The Sun Signs Taurus

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April 20-May 20
The next in the line is the placid child of Venus they are hard workers with the goal of pleasing themselves. The bull focuses more on the work part striving to please themselves but sometimes not actually getting there. The cow focuses more on the enjoying part wallowing in it they are high risk gain lots of weight and live unhealthy lives. They are the Earth romantics and Fixed loyalist; in early childhood they can shift from bull and cow when they are exposed to healthy work habits they are the bull when exposed to unhealthy work habits or too much lazing they turn to a cow.

The typical Taurus have a fairly soft immature face with childish faces they naturally seem youthful. They can have damage on their limbs from working with them. They have good, simple taste in clothes and general style they are very caring often having a sweetheart or a friend who they are affectionate with. They are either the center of attention or trying to be because of they are early in the cycle they are still focused on themselves. They are very happy people another early sign quality that they carry with them and they can be seen smiling or laughing. The bull will try to walk alone ignoring the world since it is on a mission and doesn't have time for distractions.

Taurus are lovers not haters when they set their sights on you they will woo you in anyway they can. It could be their gifts, their amazing sense of humor, that charm they have thanks to Venus, or just because they are so sweet. Taurus have this childish sort of whimsy about them that makes them attractive to people whether it's amorously or platonically people love to love them. These signs enjoy the environment they can be found in the parks, forests, or gardens in their amazing outfit with something baking in the oven. The bull will sometimes wish they were in the garden or parks but they have to stay at work again pulling an all nighter. The cow spends too much time out there and they may have nothing baking in the oven cause they got evicted due to their excessive splurging.

The Taurus can be too immature causing conflict with their relations and being to gluttonous vacuuming up all the possessions to enjoy themselves. They go on massive splurges and sometimes but in the same moment feel divorced from their family because they focus so much on work. They seldom have time to do anything because they are trying to make money to support their next outing and bomb the back account. They can value their possessions before the people in their circle and be very unwilling to give any help to anyone else to keep their luxuries. Their extreme laziness when they relax can be hard to pull them out of and to pull them down to relax is equally as hard

Taurus love when you can please their senses in some way whether it be sex, money, affection, or something else. They are good in bed typically when they actually care about the other person they are passionate and considerate of the other person. They have high risk of respiratory problems and are susceptible to disease of their throat, lungs, and nose they as well as reproductive male and female genitals as well as breast. They can eat too much causing weight problems and will often feel small on the inside because they are fairly sensitive. When a Taurus lets you in they are very vulnerable to heartbreak causing them to either rampage or breakdown. They have a short fuse at times and even have mass fame for being ready to destroy anything that prevents them from doing what they want. As children they need to spend lots of time outside in fresh air this will not only be pleasing for them but reduce sour moods and later health problems. A healthy diet and exercise will do wonders for any Taurus young and old they need it really or they can become depressed or unhealthy. They enjoy good food and good sights they can love if you are able to find the thing they find beautiful and show that to them and enjoy it with them.

The Taurus can completely enchant me I love that they love things and are so eager sometimes to show me things. Honestly I can't imagine a more perfect mate than an average Taurus who's willing to make it work.

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