The Sun Signs Leo

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Leo July 23-Aug 22
The strongest most powerful sign stereotypically these signs are the lions ruling over us little people. Personally I understand being the annoyance of people assuming you fit the stereotype of your sign for no reason. Leos are the fire that burns in the dark people are naturally attracted to this despite the bad rep this sign has. They are fixed as well which means they complete the task with unbreakable loyalty till the task is finished. The Leos typically love compliments and the limelight seeking it without letting anyone see them beg if they do at all. The Leo sign represents early adulthood which makes sense as this sign is one of youthful playful energy that we think of having at a youthful age when we are just realizing freedom. The sign is stereotyped as narrcasitic and hams assuming they get all the glory and we as an audience should be grateful we get to see their marvelousness in such ways.

It is most accepted that Leos have thick and fair hair with brilliant eyes as well as a taste for brilliant shiny things to wear to the point if they don't restrain themselves they'll just look gaudy. It also seems that they're seen as the sort of strong alpha of any pack dominating the group in subtle, obvious, or both ways it doesn't really matter. The females will dominate through their ability to look like the most sophisticated person in the room like a queen and we are simply the subjects the worst part is you'll simply envy her or desire her. The males are almost the same they are the leaders of the group often they are fit since they like to be active and they are attractive if not physically then by any number of other fabulous Leo characteristics.

Leos as kids will want to be made important doing plays, dancing, sports, and anything that will get them out allowing them to be the main focus of their parents as well as their school. They need positive reinforcement telling them they are great and do good at things will build your relationship quicker they feel good when you feed this stopping insecurities forming later on. They will be very popular in their group kids won't be able to deny their charm they'll lead the groups everything they do has an attractive quality.

Leo suffers lots of health problems in the chest above the gut almost any problem that can happen does for these poor people cardiovascular, respiratory, and bones like the ribs, spine, shoulders, and collarbone. They have problems with stress which can cause a host of health problems such IBS, baldness, acid reflux, insomnia, eating disorders, depression. They often get extremely involved in things emotionally if this could be resolved then stress problems would reduce as well as if they could stop trying to shine all the time.

I think Leos are brilliant people with unique style that is always impressive no matter who they are or what it is and they also have wonderful personalities as far as I'm concerned.

A Brief Introduction of AstrologyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora