Chapter 6: The Final Showdown

Start from the beginning


Steel Harbor,

aboard the USS George Washington,

the Present...

Sasha wonders through the ship as tar was dripping from her mouth, "Here little bitch, here little bitch. I know you're--" Sasha taunts but was then shut up as Moya wings a pipe at her and swung at her again and she smacks against the ground. "You couldn't leave well enough alone, Sasha. Now I'm going to have to kill you." Moya promises her.


Steel Harbor, Empire City, the Present...

Cassandra threw her punch right into David's face, throwing his head to the side, then the super-soldier sock David in the face to the other side and he lets go of Cole, Cassie shot at to him, wraps her arms around him as he automatically wraps his arms around her.

And they both went flying back, Cassie turns them and shielded Cole as they went crashing into a building. The super-solider then pins David down, but he shot his arm into the super-soldiers head and he cries out as it's neuro-electric energy was drained from him.


Sasha then jumps at her, "I've had rougher than this on first dates." she informs her and knocks her right off her feet and the pipe out of her hand.

Then shoves Moya back, swung at her, hitting her in the face, blood flew out from her nose and mouth as she cries out and collapses onto the ground. Sasha then picks her up by her hair, held her arm behind her back and grips her chin, ready to blaster her with tar.

Then she stops as she looks over and saw trooper locked and aiming their guns at her, "Let her go." one orders, "Shoot her." Moya croaks out. Sasha sighs "Ooh, things were just getting fun." she whines and her tongue retreats back into her mouth.


Harms and Zeke ran over to the Conduits and the two pulled Cole up as Cassandra stood on her one, "What the hell're those things?" Zeke questions as Cassie took Cole's arm and places it on her shoulders and helps him stand, "Probably something Moya cooked up." he moans and Cassandra helps him walk.

Phil watches in surprise as he records the fight, Linda looks over and saw the girl making a run for it like everyone else. "Where are you going?" Linda calls out, "I am not dying in this damn city!" she shouts back and was gone.

David was then restrained as one was behind him and the other socks him in the face. But he was shoved back as David smelt another familiar energy signature from them. -I can smell her stink on you. All of you.- David states, then breaks free. "Warden, I think Cole's right-- we need to get while the gettin's good," Zeke states as the battle were tense.

But then Cassandra then removes Cole's arm from her and she gave him to the Warden, "What are you doing?" Cole asks her, "I'll fight them off for a long as I can. You get out of while the window is still open." she tells him, then flew back to the fight. "Cassie!!" Cole calls out to her, but she threw electricity right at David, catching him off guard.


Sasha lets go of Moya and makes a run for it as the Troopers fired at her. She ran through the halls as they followed her. Moya pulls herself up and rolls her arm a bit to get the pain out of it.

She then found the hole that Cole had made a while back, she took her chance and jumps right through it, the bullets miss her by inches and she dives right into the ocean, gone from sight.


David then tore a super-solider in half, -Her guilt is just as thick as ours, Kessler.- he states then dodges the next hit, but Cassandra throws a strong blast at him, making both him and the super-soldier slides back a few.

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