Chapter 6: The Final Showdown

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Empire City, nineteen days ago...

Cole was resting in a makeshift hospital, Trish was checking over him as Zeke stood in front them, rubbing the back of his head as Cassandra was right across from Cole and Trish. "How's are they doing?" Zeke asks her, "Cole's still running a fever. But the girl seems to be fine right now." Trish answers. "Want me to try 911 again?" he asks her. She shook her head, "At this point, they're better of here. Besides, the streets are dangerous." she informs him and continues to tab Cole's forehead. She then checks Cole's pulse, feeling that he was going to be okay.

Then tears well up in her eyes, streaming down her face and she pulls Cole close to him, so happy that he was alive, but also terrified that she almost lost him. "A year or so before he met you, Cole got hit by a truck." Zeke states and she nods her head, "I know, he told me." she mutters, rubbing her forehead his.

But Zeke shook his head "Nah, he told you what he tells everyone, makes it sound like it was no big deal." he informs her. Then places his hand on her shoulder as she looks down at Cole, "Truth is, he shoulda been killed. The front of the truck hits him square in the chest, whips him around, and then he rolls under the tires. Both of his legs get run over. I heard what happened and figured her should be dead and buried. Or at the very least crippled." he states and she looks up at him, both were unaware that Cassandra's fingers twitched. "Anyway, he spends the night at the hospital, for observation or whatever. But he walks out of there with nothing more than some bruises. Compared to that, this is nothing. He'll be fine." Zeke tells her.

Trish then starts to break down, and turns to him, gripping onto Zeke as she trembles in fear. "I love him so much, Zeke. I'd don't- don't I'd do if... if..." she cries as she couldn't finish the sentence. Zeke places his arm on her shoulder and comforts her. "Don't worry about a thing, because it ain't gonna happen. He'll pull through Trish. You wait and see." he tells her. Then they both heard groaning from behind them. Trish pulls away and they look at Cassandra as she slowly opens her eyes, Trish wipes away her tears and steps over to her, kneels down and was right in Cassandra's view. "Hey, can you hear me?" she asks her, Cassandra's looks up at her, her vision cleared up and saw this woman who was kneeling over her. "Who... are you...?" she moans, "I'm Trish Dailey, I was there when you pass out with my boyfriend Cole," she informs her, Cassandra hums at her. "Here, let me help you sit up," he states and Cassandra pushes herself up with Trish's help. "I'm going to need to run a few tests on you, alright?" Trish informs her. Cassandra nods at her.

She then pulls the stethoscope on and places the scope onto Cassandra's chest, "Deep breath in." she states, Cassandra inhales deeply. "And deep breath out," she said again and Cassandra exhales. Trish then moves the scope to Cassandra's back. "Again, Breath in," she states and Cassandra inhales. "And out," she said and Cassandra exhales. "Do you have a name?" Trish asks, pulling the scope away from Cassandra. She looks at the doctor "Cassandra O'Connell." she answers as Trish checks her eyes out, "Cassandra, that's a pretty name, did you have a nickname?" she asks her and Cassandra nods, "Everyone calls me Cassie or Cass." she answers and Trish smiles a little as she checks Cassandra's pulse and her fingers twitch a little as Trish moves her veins in her wrist a little, "Cassie, I like that." she states, "How are you feeling?" she asks her, pressing her hand to Cassandra's forehead, feeling that she wasn't burning up.

"Thirty and tired," she answers and yawns a little. Trish nods and moves to her tray and pulls over a glass of water to her, "Here. Drink." she tells her, holding the cup to Cassandra's lips, tilting it up a little and the cold liquid passes her lips and down her aching throat. Trish then pulls back and places the cup back onto the tray and helps Cassandra lay back down and she looks up at Trish as she places her hand on her head as Cassandra was becoming tired again, "You'll be okay, you're safe now. Rest." Trish tells her as Cassandra slowly closes her eyes and sleep overcomes her.

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