pop, goes the weasel

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Readers POV

Blue eyes, the only thing thats been revealed about him is that he has blue eyes.

It's unfortunate.

Just how many lives this man has taken, I turn my head to face the front of the bus. Though, barely anybody was in here, and I was here with some guy with a bat.

It sent chills down my spine, and I didn't bother asking who he was.

I was sitting in the back of the bus with my (f/h) and (f/s) on me, I look back down to my phone, reading the article of this guy's latest victim. His latest victim had been a blonde, someone who had just gotten his face smashed into the wall. It was clear that the guy in the photo had no care in the world about the person he had just killed.

I quickly see some movement in front of me, and this caught my attention. The guy was walking to the back of the bus, sitting in the row that was in front of me. I wasn't gonna lie, this was pretty creepy, it caught my attention. It caught me off guard.

I slowly grab my knife that was in my pocket, pulling it out and setting it out and on my lap where it can be seen. "What did the left eye say to the right eye?" He asked, I can hear him snickering underneath the mask he was wearing. He looked like a cosplayer if I was being honest. I shrug, not responding verbally to him, "Between you and me, something smells."

I snicker at his attempt of a joke, but I don't say anything. But I guess he heard me snickering and he goes silent, eyeing me. Even though his eyes are just cartoon ones, how the fuck can he even see in this mask? I don't know.

I sigh and stare up at him, Stopping my snickering and eyeing him down as well. If he wants to go there, I'll fucking go there. It soon became a stare down, but I don't know whether or not he blinked, so I'll call it even. I take my hand out and put it between the two of us. He looks down at it before looking up at me, "What?" He called out, though his voice was muffled, I didn't have a problem with it.

"I just met you." He says to me, it was in a questioning tone, I could tell. I smile softly at him, which by his surprise, he gasped.

"I know, that's why I'm handing out my hand for you to shake, dickwad." I pause, adding onto my sentence. "Or, do you just want to be called dickwad as a nickname?" I asked, my smile turning into a grin.

He threw his head back and let out a Groan of frustration, now this caught my attention. He looks back at me and takes my hand and then shakes it.

A firm grip.

"I'm Devil." He says, that stupid mask of his staring at me.

"Yes, Devil, what's yours little lady?" He asked in almost a mocking tone. I could hear his smirk through his damn mask.

"Y/n." I say with confidence that he quickly knocks down by complimenting me. "That's a cute name, I guess." He says with a shrug and turns his body around to face me. Basically standing up in the chair. "If we get into a car crash, I hope you know, you'll break your neck if you fall backwards on the seat." I say with a serious look. Which I think he took to heart.

"You're crazy!!" He said excitedly, I stare at him confused, "What I meant to say is, you're like me!"

I narrow my eyes at him, is he delusional?

"I'm not crazy, and if you're crazy, then buddy, you need not to be so proud of that." I stated, staring back down at my phone. "Also, I only know these things because of TV, books, along with movies."

I can feel his smirk through his mask, but I kept this to myself since I just met the guy. "That's cool, Oh!" He says with excitement in his voice.

"I forgot to ask you, How are you? Or you not like that type of question?" I stared at him, is english his main language or what?

I stayed silent for a minute before answering, it was weird how he worded his question. But I'm not judge.

"I'm good, and it's an okay question. I don't like it as much, but I'll manage. Thanks for asking." I say with a shrug, looking back down at my phone and reading the article. If he kept talking I think I would snap, I mean, I'm fine with having conversation, but still.

"Are you scared of me?" He asked, his voice deepening as I look back up at him.

"What do you mean? You seem nice, a bit crazy, but nice." I mutter, seeing his bat be raised up a bit. He puts it on his shoulder, basically showing it off as a warning. Just what was he planning to do?

"Why?" I asked, adding onto my sentence I had going on, he shook his head, "No reason, just wondering, do you know who I am?" He asked, putting emphasis on the who I am. I shook my head slowly, knitting my eyebrows together in confusion.

"I'm a murderer."

My eyes widen, and I flinched at the sudden bluntness, What the absolute fuck? This isn't something you just say to someone you just fucking met.

Do you?

"I'm Devil, I'm the cause of these murders."

I calm down a bit after he says this, so this is why he asked whether or not I knew him. This guy just wants some reconigtions for his damn crimes. He gets enough reconigtion as it is. "What do you want from me?" I asked, my tone showing no signs of fear or anything that might satisfy him. "I just want a friend." He says, a chuckle escaping his mask.

"So Y/n, Are you down to be a friend or do you want to die?"

"Do I have a choice?" I ask, staring up at him with a curious, yet angry face that I think he picked up on.


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