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I wake up the next morning and Archie is still asleep. I kiss him on the cheek and his eyes open up. 

¨Good morning, handsome.¨ I say with sleep still in my voice.

¨Good morning,¨ he said in his groggy morning voice while kissing me.

He gets dressed and climbs out of my window as I hear my mom coming up the stairs. She knocks on my door and comes in.

¨Hey honey, how was the dance?¨ she says with sleep still in her eyes. She looked like she hasn't had coffee yet.

¨Good¨ I replied dreamily.

She knew that look. She sat down on my bed and said "Tell me all about it!¨ with a sparkle in her eye. She was suddenly wide awake.

I tell her all about it. She squeals with delight after I am finished. She stands up and walks down stairs to make breakfast while I get ready for school. It is only my second week at Riverdale High School so I dressed in a blue shirt and jeans with black converse shoes. 

I walk down stairs to smell the sweet aroma of pancakes and smoothies. I sit down while my mom stands and sips her coffee. I finish up breakfast and I hear the doorbell ring. I answer it and Archie is standing at the door. He smiles and I grab my stuff and walk out of the house.

¨Hey beautiful¨ he smiles at me.

¨Hi¨ I say smiling back at him. 

We arrive at school 10 minutes later. We walk into the student lounge and sit down across from Betty and Jughead, who were kissing each other. Which in my opinion was super cute.

The bell rings and me and Archie walk to biology class. We sit down and Mr. Perez started to talk about the DNA systems. I don't really pay attention because I know this stuff. I just stare at Archie all class.

Many of my classes fly by like a breeze. Lunch comes around and me, Archie, Betty, Jughead sit at a table outside by the football field. 

As we were walking to our next class I ask Betty¨So Betty what was that I saw this morning between you and Jughead?¨ with a mysterious look on my face.

She blushes and says ¨B, I had the most amazing night with Jughead when we left that awful party."It was so romantic!¨

¨Congrats, me to. Me and Archie had such a great night too. I told him I love him. And he said it back!!¨ I say with a smile on my face.

¨Awwww!!!¨ squealed Betty in excitement.

We sit down and the rest of the day was a blur. Archie comes to get me at my last class. We walk together to his football practice. I sit on the bleachers and do my homework. After he was done we walk back to my house. He drops me off on my doorstep and we kiss for a few minutes and I walk into my house. 

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