Brittney and Archie

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Me and Betty get ready for the dance in my room. I wear a short purple dress. (as shown above) She puts on my make-up and I do hers. We grab our bags and rush down stairs. Archie and Jughead are waiting in the kitchen with my mom.

As we walk down the stairs Archie and Jughead stare at us in awe, while my mom was taking hundreds of photos. 

"You look amazing.." Archie said still shocked by my appearance.

We get in the car and soon enough we arrive and we walk into the gym. I sit down with Betty and Archie and Jughead get us punch.

Suddenly a black haired girl walks up to us, hand in hand with a red headed girl. 

"Hello Betty... and you are???..." the red head said. 

"Chill, Babe. Hi my name is Veronica Lodge and this is my girlfriend Cheryl. We are running for dance queens." said the black haired girl sweetly. 

"Hi, nice to meet you my name is Brittney Carpenter." I sad in a fake but real sounding voice.

We shake hands and they walk away to another group. Archie and Jughead come back just in time for the slow dance.

Archie grabs my hand and leads me to the dance floor. We dance and it was so romantic. I get a text from my mom saying she went to work and won't be home till like 3:00am. The slow dance ends and we walk off the dance floor. 

Veronica and Cheryl walk in front of us and say "Cheryl is hosting a after party at her house you should come..." Veronica says.

"Sure!" said Archie.

We quickly get into the the car and we drive off. We arrive at this spooky looking house and went inside.

"Welcome to Thornhill" said Cheryl.

"We are going to play 7 minutes in heaven... Archie..." she continues while handing him a glass Coke bottle.

he spins it turns once... twice... 3 times. It lands in between me and Betty. 

"Let the new girl go.... I am in for a little trouble." said Cheryl with a smirk on her face.

We get up and walk into the closet. Cheryl closes the door behind us. 

"You have 7 minutes lovebirds..." 

I set a timer on my phone. Archie stares at me and I blush profusely. 

He leans in closer and closer.... he pushes me to the wall and kisses me. I kiss him back. I wrap my arms around his neck and he lifts me up. We continue to kiss, then suddenly my phone starts to buzz. Archie puts me down and we fix our hair and I wipe all the makeup off of his face.

We walk out and everyone is drunk and Betty and Jughead are no wear to be seen. 

We take the chance and we head back to my house we go up stairs and Archie takes off my jacket while kissing me. I start to undo his shirt. It falls right off of him and I stare at his abs. He takes off my dress as I lay on my bed. He takes off his pants showing him only wearing boxers. We kiss and cuddle till midnight. Then we head out to my backyard. I have a jacuzzi so we changed into swim clothes and went in. 

I sit on top of him and start kissing him. He pulls away from me and stares into my eyes. I stare back, my eyes sparkling with love. I knew what I had to do, even if I only knew him for like a week I knew that it was the right thing. 

¨Archie Andrews, I love you¨ I say seriously looking deep into his eyes.

¨I love you two Brittney Carpenter.¨ he says back to me.

We continue to kiss each other. We decided to go back inside. We both showered and got ready for bed. We fall asleep Archie cuddling me in his arms. Then he whispers into my ear

¨I love you Brittney, I promise not to break your heart. Good night.¨ Then he kisses my forehead. We both fall into a deep sleep....

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