He places the package under his arm and answers the call, "Hello?" he answers. "Is this Cole MaGrath?" the man asks him, "Who's this?" Cole asks, "My name's Kessler, I believe you're holding a package for me." Kessler informs him and Cole grits his teeth. "Look, I was on time. It's not my fault that the address was wrong." Cole snaps at him, Kessler chuckles on the other line "No, you're exactly where you should be. Can you do me a favor and open the box?" Kessler asks him, "Why, so you can get me fired? I don't think so." Cole snaps at him again, "I'll pay you $500." Kessler informs him.

Cole sighs, knowing he needed the money, then kneels down and started to remove the tape from the box, "If you don't pay up, I'm gonna kick your-" Cole stops as he saw a sphere inside, then stood up and held it in his hands. "See you soon, Cole," Kessler informs him, then glow gets the attention of a young teenager as she was walking home with her parents.

Then everything went to hell as an explosion went right off.


Stampton Bridge, Empire city, the present...

"I'm here with general Darren Bridge, Commander of 82nd airborne division from Fort Bragg, North Carolina. First of all, General, thank you and your men for your courageous services." a report states as they were at the quarantine line. "Thanks, Lina. We appreciate that." Bridge her with a proud smile. "What's the current situation?" Linda asks him and held the mic to him. "As you know, the quarantine is now in its twenty-fourth day, and by and large, things are about where we expect them to be. The situation is stable, and supplies are moving into the city." Bridge informs her, but she was skeptical.

"Human-rights groups claim that the people inside Empire city are starting to starve," she informs him and places the mic right back at him, he scoffs and rolls his eyes at such claims. "Excuse my language, but those pantywaists have no idea what they're talking about. They're so worried about their agenda that they refuse to see what's really happening. Makes me sick." he answers her and she pulls the mic back. "It's sad how rumors get started," she states and places the mic back at him. "Well, I'm just glad you're giving us the correct record and get the truth out to the people of America," he tells her with a smile.

She did her best to smile back and pulls the mic back again "How are things progressing with the vaccine?" she asks him and places the mic right back at him, "The CDC can answers that better than me, but during our briefing, someone mentioned that the city is 80% plague-free." he answers her and she smiles again. "That's wonderful," she said as her cameraman was getting everything down. "Thank you so much for your time, General Bridge." she tells him, he nods at her and she turns to the camera "This is Linda Kaulfman reporting for USTV News."


Back in the Historic District, in the Park where the graves of the dead where buried. Was Cole MacGrath as he was kneeling down next to Trish's grave as there were dead roses places on the grave. Then a young girl walks over with another rose in her hand and stood next to the grave on the other side and places the rose on the grave. Cole looks up at Cassandra O'Connell, but she changed her last name as the girl she once was died in the blast, she was now Cassandra MacGrath. She looks down at him as she kneels down and places her hand on the dirt and he looks at Trish's picture and places his hand on the cross. -Four days ago, Cassandra and I buried my girlfriend Trish in the Park. She was murdered by a man named Kessler.- Cole states as he remembers the fall.

Then he looks down at the picture in his hands, -Cassie did all she should save Trish from that fall... and all I could do was watch... and think about the promises I'd made her. That I'd always protect her, keep her safe. Promises I didn't keep.- Cole then looks up at Cassie as a tear slides down her cheek and she didn't make a sound. -I can summon lightning from the sky, float through the air, fire electric from my fingertips.- he states and looks at the picture of Kessler... or his wedding day, with himself, Trish, Zeke and Cassandra all in it and were smiling. -But I can't bring back the dead.- he states and tears stream down his face and Cassie looks over at him. He buries his face into his hands, Cassie then walks around the grave, kneels next to him and wraps his arms around him and he cries a little on her shoulder. -I'll always love you, Trish.- he cries and was grateful to Cassandra for staying with him and gave him a shoulder to cry on when he needed one.

Infamous: Into the Lightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें