I ended up finding my way back upstairs and was stood between Bonnie and Kai as we watched her try to do a locator spell. I watch the map intently as nothing happens. "It doesn't feel right. Maybe I need a bigger map." She suggests as Damon walks back into the room, "Maybe your just out of practice and, you suck at magic now." He says grabbing a drink for himself. "Ignore him, Bonnie. Pretend he's a white noise machine. That's how I used to tune out my siblings. I grew up with a ton of little sisters and brothers, you know, all of them constantly yammering." Kai says as he moves closer to me for some reason. "But it tought me how to focus." He leans a bit further so our faces were really close, I could feel his blood again, I glanced at his neck for less than a second, and controlled myself as I looked down at his chest before looking back at his face, "Easy there, big brother! She doesn't know you. At least buy her a drink." I take Damons interruption and I move away to go and get Bonnie a map.

Something about this just felt odd, Kai had been here since 1994 and he really expected us to believe that he hadn't found this ascendant in all that time. I mean it's just common sense that if you were trapped anywhere you would spend all your time finding ways to leave. I swear I saw something poking out of his jacket when I looked at his chest before, I bet it was the ascendant.

I bring Bonnie back a map of the whole States and she starts the spell again as I watch Kai, "The spell's leading to South Virginia. That can't be right." He says, he was a good liar I'll admit I almost belived him, "M -m, the spell's working. Showing we're in Mystic Falls. It feels so close." She says concentrating hard. Kai notices me looking at him and smirks, "like what you see?" He asks I nod and stand right in front of him, I put my hand on his chest making his eyebrows raise. "Thea what-" Damon starts to say but I interrupt him, "It's right here." I say pulling it out of his pocket. Bonnie looks at us the candles going out.

"Very good, I told you she was a smart cookie, didn't I?" He smirks as I pass it back to him. "That's the ascendent?" Bonnie asks, "The one and only." He smiles. "Thanks for the mind games, jackass." Damon says irritated. "It was just another little test. To make sure Bonnies magic was presice enough for the spell. I do believe, you're ready. Pack your bags - we're going home." He says making Damon and Bonnie smile.

"How did you know that he had the ascendant?" Damon asks me as we follow kai outside, "ok well I'm guessing he's been here since 1994 and so he's had all that time and we can tell that he obviously wants to leave so it makes the most sense he spent all his time finding it and then he was just waiting, hoping that he'd be able to find some magic so that he could leave. Plus I saw something sticking out of his pocket earlier when he was stood super close to me." I shrug "huh." Damon nods impressed.

"You are wandering around like a crazy man, why?" Damon asks as we watch Kai repeatedly put the ascendant up to his eye. "Looking for the exact right spot. We need to found where the power of the eclipse is focused." He tells us. "You know you could have just shown us the Ascendent to begin with." She says as we all watch him, "Yeah, but I wanted to feel Thea's hand on my chest." He says making me scoff, "I might've not though." I tell him and he shakes his head. "I knew my smart cookie would figure it out." Damon looks at me eyebrows furrowed and I just shrug.

"There's something not right about him." Bonnie says, "You're just not used to hearing how guys flirt." Damon tells her and they are about to start bickering again I could feel it so I move my attention from them and pick up a crumpled page from the news paper. I don't really know how to take what I just read. Bonnie notices what I'm looking at and comes over to read it too. I hand it to her and move on.

"Hey, what's up with the nature walk?" Damon asks as Kai begins to walk towards the forest. "I used the Ascendent to figure out where we need to be standing during the eclipse." Great we're so close to finally getting out of here. "Great. Let's do some magic and get the hell out of here." I nod and feel so much happier than I have since being her.

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