Enterprise: We will, you can go now

(Gerald left the room and left the headquarters and seemingly he was hungry, he checked his phone to see its 11:00Am)

Gerald: Dang that took 1 hour, well i didn know what to do so i had to, well anyways im hungry lets check the cafeteria

(AN: Gerald doesnt use his kitchen alot and its only purpose is food storage or making hot cocoa drinks and instant ramen)


(Gerald was at the cafeteria and when it has his turn to order he ordered Bacon with Eggs and pancakes with raspberry juice)

Gerald: Wow this looks yummy can't wait to dig in!

(Gerald saw a vacant table and he approach to the table and sit at it and said)

Gerald: itadakimasu *while he puts his hands together*

(While he was eating he saw movement 5 shipgirls approach the young Gerald, Gerald knows 1 of the shipgirls (cleveland) but the other 4 he doesnt know who they are)

Gerald: Hey Cleveland

Cleveland: Yo Gerald nice to meet you again

Gerald: Well what brings you here? and also who are these girls?

Cleveland: 1st We saw that you we're lonely so we decided to come and eat beside you and 2nd These are my sisters, Say hello to him sisters.

Columbia: Eh he is really cute

Denver: You're right sister he really is cute almost like i want to stretch his cheeks

Birmingham: Wow so you're the new carrier that everyone is talking about you seem small like a destroyer

Montplier: Now now everyone we haven't introduce ourselves to him ill go 1st My name is Montplier, This girl to my right is Birmingham, to my left is Denver, and to the left of Denver is Columbia. All of us are from the Cleveland Class Cruiser

Gerald: Well my name is Gerald R. Ford you can call me Gerald if you want i am the Lead ship of my class a Nuclear Supercarrier

(Everyone was impressed that he is a different carrier from the rest)

Montplier: Nuclear Supercarrier? Whats does that mean

Gerald: It means i am not powered by oil but i am powered by nuclear radioactive oil that takes alot of time to empty up

Columbia: For how long does this nuclear oil you say last?

Gerald: It could last for 20-25 Years cause nuclear oil is equvilant to 1 million oil

(AN: not sure about the facts buddy but aye fantasy is fantasy suck it)

(Everyone was again impressed)


(The manjuus had finished moving Gerald's Stuff in his room and they also finished placing it down)

Gerald: Looks cool to me heck they even placed my TV at the wall. Man im tired

(Gerald decided to sit down at his couch he unlocked his phone to see whats happening in his own world)

Gerald: Ah yes reddit home of the memes that i know

Short Timeskip Of Gerald Litterally Laughing On Coronavirus Memes On Reddit...

7:00Pm Gerald's Dorm

(While Gerald was browsing along at reddit he heard a knock on his door)

Gerald: Comming!

(He opened the door and it was Dido)

Dido: Hello Master

Gerald: Dido? what brings you here?

Dido: Belfast said she needed to run some errands so she sent me here to take care of you

Gerald: Oh i see well come on in!

(Gerald welcomed Dido to his house and noticed he has a kitchen)

Dido: So master has a kitchen

Gerald: Yeah but i dont use it that much, you can use it but dont cause any trouble ok?

Dido: Dido will not harm master in any other away

Gerald: Uh ok?

(Dido is now cooking at his kitchen with the fresh ingredients he has)


(While Gerald is eating Dido suddently pounced and hugged Gerald)

Dido: I can't resist it master YOUR TOO CUTE

Gerald: AHHHHH What are you doing

Dido: Master is too cute Dido won't let go

(Gerald Tried to breakfree and he was suprised that it was easy)

(Information: Thats because Gerald is more stronger than Dido in terms of their weight so that means Gerald is stronger and heavier than Dido)

Dido: Is... master... gonna leave me?

(Dido said it with a sad tone, Gerald realizes what he has done and approached her)

Gerald: Im sorry for doing that and no i will not leave you i just needed you know "air"

(Dido was then relived that he will not leave her side and then she hugged Gerald again)


(Dido left Gerald's dorm and Gerald thought that it was getting late so he wore his pajamas and went straight to bed)

(Gerald was starting to doze off or sleep. When he heard a knock on the door)

Gerald's thoughts: Now who could be awake in the middle of 9:40Pm

(Gerald opened the door revealing Dido again)

Gerald: Dido? What do you want

Dido: Well... is it okay to sleep wi-

Gerald: Me? Hmm *Sigh* Fine then

Dido: Yay!

Short Timeskip...

(Dido and Gerald We're in the same bed together with Gerald Litterally being crushed by a hugging Dido and her bosoms)

Chap 5 End

Gerald: Yo author check this out

Author: Hwat

Gerald: **Throws an egg that was sealed by flexseal and throws it at some random window**

Gerald: Now thats alot of damage

Author: *Wheezes*

The Lost Carrier (USS Gerald Ford X Azur Lane) (Dropped)Where stories live. Discover now