"How Do We Give It To Her?"Happstablook
"Simple.You call her over to your house and carefully...hand it to her"you said
"What Do You Mean?"Happstablook

"I mean when she opens your door toss the tux into her hands and shut the door"
"What If She Dodges?"Happstablook
"Then put the plastic around it"
"What If She Pulls A Spear Out In Self-Defense"Happstablook

"...Just slowly give it to her.Make direct eye contact and don't break it, and shut the door while you're still making eye contact"you said

"That's Sounds Stupid"
"She will destroy the tuxedo either way if we don't do it carefully"you said
"Why can't you invite her here?"Chara
"Yeah let's do that"you said
"Yeah She Trusts You More"Happstablook
"Thanks Chara"you said
"No problem"Chara
"Happstablook call her over"you ask
"Why Me?!"Happstablook
"Because I'm cooking. Now go"You said and went to the kitchen

*You finished baking
*You went over in the living room with a plate full of fresh fudgy brownies

*Chara eyes were fixed on you
"Chara stay"you said

"Just hand it over"Chara
"Good girl"You said

"I will hurt you"Chara
"Now here's your treat"you said giving a piece to Chara
*Chara snatches it from you and took a bite.She had a happy expression
"Aww Can I Live Here Too And Watch You Be All Cute"Happstablook
"No"Frisk and Chara
"Yeah only I get to see them be cute"You said
*Chara throws a pillow at you and it hits your face

"Chara if there's chocolate stain on this pillow.I will not make any more for a week"you said and see Chara run towards the pillow and threw it outside
"No stain"Chara
*You hugged Chara
"Aww you're cute when I threaten your chocolate life"you said
"Whatever just make more"Chara
"Maybe tomorrow"You said staring at her
"Good.Now let go"Chara said staring back
"Chara I wanted to try something when I got this new power but it's really hard to hold back when you stare at me"
*She closes her eyes
*You kissed her cheek and let her go.You see Chara walked back in the living room
"Hey You Got A Guest Here"Happstablook
"Your in my home.You know what you were getting yourself into"
*You hear the door opening and see Undyne come inside
"Hey you got here fast"you said
"Yeah...What's with the pillow in the pathway?"Undyne
"Uh Nothing.Come into the living room and we'll discuss something"you said
"Ok...What's all this?"Undyne seeing the dresses

(Oh my god. She didn't get rid of the evidence)
(Not You!)
(Then quit thinking so loud)
(Yeah Whatever)

"So what's happening here?Is Happstablook giving her stuff away?"Undyne
"No actually..she..just wanted to show off her..Ah screw it.Happstablook just hand it to her"you said

*You see Happstablook got up with the tux wrapped in plastic and slowly floating towards Undyne while making eye contact.

"What is happening?"Undyne

*Happstablook gave Undyne the tuxedo and slowly floated back while still making eye contact

"I'm so confused right now"Undyne
"I can't believe she actually did it"you said
"You Told Me Too!"Happstablook
"Yeah I know.Undyne I heard you asked Alphys out"you said
"...Did they tell you already?"Undyne
"Alright I'm out"Undyne
"Hey hold on.Where are you and Alphys going?"You asked
"...I asked her if she would accompany me to the ceremony"Undyne
"Ah very formal.Good choice.So she said yes right?"
"..Well...She kinda said yes"Undyne
"What do you mean kinda?!"You said
"She kinda of ran away and shut herself in a closet.Then she texted me saying "Ok" Undyne said
"So that's a yes"you said
"Is it?"Undyne
"YES!"Everyone Except Undyne
"..Oh then yeah I asked her out"Undyne
"Alright So you got the clothes all you need is the moment"you said
"The moment?"
"You know..Ask her to be your girlfriend or...kiss her"you said
"...That's too much pressure"Undyne
"Alright you four talk it out, and I'm going over to Alphys"you said
"Ok"Everyone said
"Undyne come here"Frisk
"Chara..Frisk Please be safe"you said
"We got Undyne here so stop worrying"Chara
"Ok"You said and portal your way to the Lab

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now