Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Egg Trust Maze

Start from the beginning

"Okay," Sayori giggled. "Natsuki, hold our your hands, and Yuri, pick up the egg and give it to Natsuki."

"I can't throw my arms all the way out!" Natsuki growls.

"That's because you're jabbing them in my stomach.." Yuri responds annoyed. I laugh along with Sayori, soon stopping.

"Okay, Natsuki, hold the egg close, and go-"

"Crap!" Natsuki yelled. "Why do my hands feel weird?"

"Um.." Sayori trails off. She soon giggles saying, "'Cause you broke the egg!"


"I didn't know it was so soft!" Natsuki growled, laughing herself.

"Okay, Monika, hold our your hands, Natsuki's coming!" Sayori directed. I do as she says, hesitant to not hit the pinkette. I don't. Thankfully.

"Okay, now hold the egg right.. there! Stop! Now gently lower it!" Sayori says, making small beeps and machine noises.

"I'm not a machine!" Natsuki hissed, and I'm surprised by how close she sounds. I feel the egg being gently planted on my palms.

"Alright Moni! Bring it home!" She giggles. "Now turn around, and move to your left!"

I do as she says, slowly making my way to the left, and stopping after I hear, "Stop!"

After being directed, with some almost close ends, we make it to the end. "Okay! We did it! Yay!"

"Awesome!" I laugh, making sure to hold the egg protectively against my stomach.

"Decent." Mrs. Smith responds. "Alright Yuri, you go next."

"Um, alright.." Yuri quietly speaks, but loud enough for the three of us to hear. "Monika, you're going first." I feel the egg being gently placed in my hands, and I secure it in my fingers.

"Okay, what now?" I ask.

"Uh, move forward three steps please," She quietly directs, and I do as she says. "Um, now turn to your left, and walk forward five steps.."

I take five steps in the direction in front of me, and continue walking until I've finished counting.

"Thank you," Yuri says. "Um, move to your right three steps. S-Sayori, Monika's in front of you now, so please hold out your hands.."

"Alright!" Sayori exclaimed. I suddenly feel a sharp pain in the bottom of my neck, I yell and step back in surprise.

"Ow." I groan.

"Oh, sorry Moni!" Sayori giggles.

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you how close she was.." Yuri mumbled quietly.

"Hey, don't worry about it!" I say, holding out my hands with the egg and moving it around until I feel Sayori's hands. Gently, I place the egg in her palms. "All yours!"

"Roger that, soldier Monika!" Sayori jokes. "What now commander Yuri?"

"U-uh, turn around, yes that's fine, and walk forward three steps.." Yuri instructs, obviously embarrassed.

"Understood!" Sayori exclaims, moving. I stay in the same spot and wait.

"Natsuki, be careful with the egg!" Sayori warns.

Natsuki scoffs, "Finally, this took you long enough."

"Natsuki, move to your left two steps, and then turn around please."

A few moments later of intense directions, Natsuki finally groans. "Aren't we there yet?"

"No," Yuri sighs. "Move forward three steps, and then to the right two."

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