Chapter 18

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Even as Ana was careening through the cosmos, she strained her eyes to see if she could catch a glimpse of the three rotating lights, hoping they were pursuing her once again. But the far off stars and galaxies seemed to be the only things illuminating the black void around her, and she hoped that Pennywise was still on Earth somewhere waiting for her and wasn't off in space for some reason. She knew it was unlikely as he didn't really like leaving the town, let alone the planet after having made it is home for so long, but she was becoming anxious that she would come back and he wouldn't be there. She didn't think she could handle it if she was apart from him any longer.

A surge of joy ran through her when she felt her feet hit something solid and the pearly white around her dissipated. Her eyes had to adjust for only a few moments before she took in the scenery around her; she was back in the sacred area in the woods, standing upon the large boulder that she had been forced upon right before going back to Dulcis. She looked around her, expecting something to happen, some sort of ambush or greeting. But the trees around her were still, and the noise in the vicinity minimal, hearing only a few songbirds start up their chirps again after being disrupted by her arrival. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves, knowing she had been on edge constantly for quite some time, and now that she was utterly alone, it made her feel even more uneasy.

It gave her an opportunity to figure out how much of her abilities she had lost on the trip back to Earth. The first thing she did was look down at her hands, finding that her skin was back to its pale, non-glowing human color. She ran a hand through her hair and pulled some in front of her face. It was dark auburn, not bright blue. And then in a small panic, her hand went over her lower belly, and fear ran through her as she wondered how all of this would effect the growing being inside of her. But once she realized that she had obviously conceived on Earth and was supposedly still pregnant while on Dulcis, then theoretically it should have survived.

Reaching behind her back, Ana was disappointed not to feel wings through the white robes that had somehow survived the journey. She wished she had had a longer flight when she had the chance. Her heart started to race as she anticipated losing everything she had worked so hard to gain, and hopped down from the large rock and jogged over to a tree. Without pause, she balled her hand into a fist and smashed it into the trunk. Her hand crashed through and splintered the bark easily, punching a large hole through it and causing the tree to shake violently. She whooped in delight, pulling her hand back out. She had broken her skin in numerous places, and right before her eyes it began to mend itself, little shards of bark being pushed out of her wounds and falling down to the ground.

All at once she wasn't just hoping to see Pennywise. She wanted to see Lamia, too.

Ana cursed under her breath, knowing that her journey back to Derry would be a long one. She was about to start out of the woods on foot, when she turned her attention back towards the boulder. As she went back over to it, she found the golden glowing sphere sitting in the middle of it, the same one that had been used to open the portal in the first place. She reached down and grasped it in her hand, wondering if destroying it was the best plan. But there was no desire to go back to her fairy homeland, and the last thing she wanted was for some of them to come back to Earth and disrupt her life again. So she smashed it down onto the rock with all of her strength, a loud noise like a gong being struck sounding through the clearing as metal struck mineral. It didn't shatter or disintegrate like she had hoped, and as she studied the sphere in her hand, she noted that it looked cracked now, but still maintained its glow. She tried to smash it again. Again. It cracked more and more, but still shined up at her like the gleam of a mischievous child's eyes. Ultimately, she decided to take it with her, hoping that Pennywise would have a solution.

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