Chapter 8

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"I beg of you, Most Powerful One," Lamia pleaded as they stood outside the house after the child molester was dead. She took a step towards Pennywise, even daring to reach out and place her hands on his chest. Ana felt the rage in her start to surge, and it took every ounce of self control not to fling herself at the harpy and try to bash her blonde head into the concrete. "Let me carry your meal back for you."

Pennywise let out a low growl, taking a step back to break the contact between them, his hands gripping the body that was slung over his shoulders and dripping blood all over his costume. "I already told you to leave once the hunt was over." Something in the much older entity's mood seemed to have shifted once their target had died, and Ana felt a small glimmer of optimism as he locked eyes with her, giving her a small nod. He started to walk down the sidewalk, and Ana quickly followed suit.

"It's the least I can do," Lamia continued, the raucous desperation in her voice replacing the confident, seductive tone she sometimes used when addressing him. "I only want to please you. Since this puny little pixie can't do it for you, I insist - "

Pennywise turned on his heel without warning, now facing the girl that was following them and stopping her in her tracks. He looked infuriated as he glowered down at her, and his hands started to sprout long, black claws as he spoke. "For someone who wants to please Pennywise, you sure are horrible at obeying what he says!"

Ana barked out a laugh as Lamia looked up at him with tear-filled eyes, looking as though the clown had reached out and slapped her, although Ana really wished that had been the case. "But, Dominus..." she started, clearly not sensing when the argument had been lost.

"Go! Before I spill your guts just like you did to this guy!" he barked, spit flying at her as he shouted, and she finally turned to walk away. Pennywise and Ana started to make their way towards the woods, and when Ana turned her head to make sure the blonde was still heading in the opposite direction, she noticed she had vanished from view.

"You know," Ana started calmly as she walked beside the incredibly tall clown, "I wouldn't be opposed to you spilling her guts."

"I've had enough of you naive little girls," he replied gruffly. "Save Pennywise the trouble and gut each other."

"Woah," Ana said, quickly growing impatient at his foul mood and sinister statement. "Rude! You want her to kill me?" Pennywise huffed, not answering as he continued to trudge along. "You know what, 'Most Powerful One'? I've had enough of the mind fuck for one day. I'll see you at home when I can look at you without vomiting." She suddenly crossed the street, leaving him to head towards the sewers by himself.

"Oh, has my sweet girl suddenly sprouted some testicles?" he called back at her angrily, but she kept going. She knew she was risking Lamia finding her alone, but reminded herself that her lover had insisted that she wouldn't kill her; Ana was so angry at this point that a small, warped piece of her hoped she got killed just to spite the alien and prove him wrong. She turned to look at him, intending to yell something back, but he had disappeared into thin air, leaving her to navigate her way back to Neibolt house alone. As she stalked down the sidewalk, not caring how crazed she appeared as she passed by people, she reflected on how much time she and the sewer clown spent angry at one another, and how turbulent her emotions seemed to be because of it.

In her resentment, Ana decided to make a few pit stops before going back home. She got a cup of coffee to go from the cafe, then spent a few minutes in the used clothing store, the retail therapy resulting in buying a few new outfits for herself. Still wanting to stay out and about in her short-lived independence, she decided to go to Cassandra and Derek's house. None of the family of four seemed to be home, and as she stood there waiting for something to happen, part of her wondered if Pennywise would come and get her. He didn't.

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