Chapter 7

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"I just don't get why you don't see how dangerous she is," Ana was saying as she cracked an egg into the frying pan in front of her. Her hair was piled on the top of her head in a loose bun, and she had yet to get dressed for the day, just having gotten up minutes earlier. Pennywise had attempted to seduce her the moment she had woken up, but had halted his advances as soon as he perceived her worries coming back to her from the night before.

As she worked on making her breakfast, Pennywise was stretching, his long arms reaching towards and nearly touching the ceiling. His blazing orange hair was disheveled and and falling in wisps around his large face, a look that Ana always found endearing. Even with an argument already underway for the morning, the clown still looked tired and a bit dazed, as if he still needed time to fully wake up.

"Sweet girl," he croaked, shaking his head slightly as if to shake the cobwebs loose in his brain, and the bells on his costume jingled merrily as he moved, "I thought we were done with this topic last night."

"Just because we had sex doesn't mean we came to a conclusion!" she said, pulling some orange juice from the fridge, plopping it a little too roughly onto the counter, some of its contents starting to ooze out of the top.

"Could've fooled Pennywise," the clown mumbled back at her, and she rolled her eyes as she pulled the egg from the pan and put it onto a plate.

"What's it going to take? Her killing me for you to realize it?"

"She doesn't intend to kill you," he huffed, repeating the same thing from the night before.

"Pennywise," Ana continued, angrily cutting into her breakfast with a fork as she stood and argued with the ancient being, "What if she's fooling you somehow? You said the ev - " she started to say 'evil entities', but stopped herself short, as every time she referred to them or Pennywise as evil, it seemed to highly offend him. "The new entities, can't they all have different abilities? What if hers is being able to deceive you?"

Even with catching herself before spewing the entire insulting word, Pennywise had seen it in her mind, and was now glaring at her. "You think she could deceive me?" he growled at her, his golden eyes flashing in anger. "I am the Eater of Worlds, the Superior Being! Billions of years old, and have wisdom that your insignificant, ignorant mind can't even begin to - "

"Alright, alright, Dominus," Ana snapped back at him, her anger beginning to match his as she cut him off before he could continue to throw insults at her, "I didn't mean to poke the narcissistic bear. Cool it!" As she studied the enraged clown that now had drool hanging from his red lips because he had been spitting, she wondered how much of his ill temper and fickle outbursts were starting to rub off on her. "Why did she call you that, anyway?"

Pennywise shrugged, still looking resentfully at her as he responded. "As a form of respect."

Ana couldn't actually read the entity's mind, which was wholly unfair because he did it to her all the time, but she was positive she knew what was going through his thoughts right then nonetheless. Her gut told her to keep her mouth shut, bury it down, but the words came bubbling up just like they always did, ensuring that she was always balancing on the edge of pissing off the demon clown. "Is that what you want from me? Should I start calling you 'Master'? Or maybe 'Sir Pennywise, Lord of the Dancing Clowns'?"

She was in fighting mode, expecting him to react a certain why, perhaps threaten her or slam her into the fridge like he'd done so many times in the past. But unpredictable as always, his boisterous laughter that filled the house caught her completely off guard.

"That wasn't supposed to be funny," she grumbled, throwing her plate in the sink and rinsing it as he clutched his stomach, now doubling over as he cackled.

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