*You created a Gaster Palm to your home and tossed the bags inside your house.Then you created a Big Boy Gaster Palm
*The Gaster Palm slowly swallowed the machine until it disappeared
"Um where did it go?"Frisk
*You pointed up
"Ah fuck that!Run!"Undyne said and grabbed Alphys
"Aren't you two gonna run?"
"Nope because you will protect us"Chara
"Heh you trust me with your lives?"
"Of course"Frisk
*The machine looks like it's falling apart
(Uh oh I can't catch those)
*Small pieces of the machine ripped off and either falling towards the lava or the the river
*The machine finally landed on you and a sudden pressure of wind was blowing around you and the humans held on to you
*You felt a surge of power flowing through your body.You threw the giant machine aside.You see nothing but broken parts from the fall.
"Ooo Washua won't like this"
"A clean freak but a good friend.Are you two alright?"
*You hugged them
"Sorry that must have been scary right?"
"I thought I was gonna be blown off"Chara
"Yeah it felt like I was being sucked away"Frisk
"Sorry I'll be careful next time"
"Maybe we should just watch"Frisk
"Heh ok scaredy cat"
*Frisk hits you but no effect

"Wanna go home now?"
"Yes"Frisk and Chara
*You notice you were hugging them
"Oh sorry I broke your punishment"
"No you didn't"Chara
"You took us to the Kingdom remember"Frisk
(Oh right)
"Then for protecting you can I get a kiss?"
"Nice try but not the right moment"Frisk
"Heh ok"
*You see Undyne and Alphys approaching
"Are you ok?"Undyne
"Not you!I was talking about the humans!"Undyne
"We're fine"Chara
"We held on to (Y/N) for safety"Frisk
"Then good job (Y/N)"Undyne
"I will always protect them"
"Ok hero you can go home now"Undyne
"Alright.Lets go Frisk..Chara you said holding there hands
*You see Alphys analyzing the wreckage
"Sorry Alphys about the machine you made and...I destroyed"
"It's ok.It was still useful to you right?"Alphys
"Then I'll make that pillar you wanted!"Alphys giving you a thumbs up
"I would be happy if you did.Hey Undyne remember the talk we had"you said
"Yes now!"You said
"You got this!"
*Undyne smiled
"Hey Alphys lets go back to the Lab and...hang out"Undyne
"O-oh sure!"Alphys
*You see Undyne and Alphys leave
"So do you want to walk home or teleport home?"You asked
"Walk"Frisk and Chara
"Yes"you said and proceeded to walk home

"So the duplication thing how did you do that?"Frisk
"They we're made up of magic so but even though they can move around they are just..puppets"
"So they can't think?"Chara
"I could give them intelligence"
"So you could've clone yourself from the beginning and you tried to date us at the same time?"Chara
"I could but I dislike sharing when it comes to you two"
"How's that sharing"Frisk
"Well if I gave the clone intelligence,it would think for itself and might keep one of you to himself"
"Oh..Then your jealous of yourself?"Chara

"It means you're being an idiot"Chara
"I don't believe you"
"It is tell him Frisk"Chara
"Mmm no I think it doesn't.I think it means you're just being greedy"Frisk
"Oh then I feel greedy all the time"
"But you don't ask for anything"Chara
"Except from you of course"
"..."Chara and Frisk
"I will give you the whole world if you're the greediest person there is"you said
"We don't need that much"Frisk
"Heh it was just a suggestion"
"Well we don't need it"Frisk
"Then what do you want?"
"..."Frisks and Chara
"Are you sure?"
"Yes because you can make anything we want right?"Chara
"Of course.But not a clone"
*Frisk chuckles
"Then can you make a floating island"Frisk
"A floating island.Thats a big wish"
"Then you can't?"Frisk
"No if you wish it, I shall make it.But I never made one so don't expect much"
"That's ok you can just keep making me more"Frisk
"Heh alright.Chara what do you want?"

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now