Chapter 7

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I woke up and went to the restroom. I took a shower and got dressed.

"Jade are you ready?" Asked daddy Mic.

I have decided to call him that since they are getting married this weekend.

"Yeah I'm ready." I said grabbing the bag he held.

We walked to the bus stop. Daddy Mic doesn't have a car plus dad has it anyway.

I got on right after daddy Mic. We rode it across the town to the Todoroki's house. I went inside and waved to daddy Mic.

"You be good jade." Said daddy Mic.

"Ok I will." I said closing the door.

I was welcomed be three hugs.

Toya was the first. He had bandages all over him. Fuyumi was second. Natsuo was third and shoto was last with the help of his mom.

I walked to the couch and held shoto. I loved him, he was just soooo cute.

Endeavor came in and went to Toya and took him to a room. I followed.

"If you can't control the power then you shouldn't live here." Yelled endeavor.

I never seen endeavor not yelling though. He turned and saw me there. I wasn't afraid of him.

"You never saw this." Said endeavor.

"Saw what?" I asked.

He walked away not saying anything else. I went and sat with Toya.

"Why don't you leave and come with me?" I asked messing with his bandages.

"I don't know." Said Toya taking his hand away.

I walked out letting him be. I spent every day there when my dads were working.

That weekend we had the wedding. It was beautiful. It was so fun walking down the aisle and playing with the Todoroki's. I also played with the other heroes.

My birthday was coming up.

"Hey daddy, what are we doing for my birthday?" I asked.

"We are having a party." Said my dad.

"What kind of party?" I asked.

"A surprise party. Now no more questions." Said my dad.

Daddy Mic was cooking dinner. He's a really good cook. He made a pizza from scratch and a salad.

I ate then went to bed but I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about my party and what it might be.

It was 1:00 before I fell asleep. I wasn't sleepy but I told myself to go to sleep.

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