Chapter 4

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We went to my dads little apartment. The woman and a man were bringing and setting up my stuff.

I was picked up and put in a play pen with two other babies.

There names are Fuyumi Todoroki and Natsuo Todoroki. One was a little older then me and one was way older then me.

Fuyumi Todoroki was 5 years old.
Natsuo Todoroki was 1 year old.
I was one day old.

"So where does this go shouta?" Asked the man.

"Oh right over there Mic." Said my dad.

Mic took the baby crib and set it up in my bedroom.

I watched as everyone hustled around getting everything ready.

After they all left I fell asleep on my dads chest.

(This chapter is not long but it's because I don't know what babies think about!)

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