Chapter 14

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9 months later.

I woke up to my water breaking.

"Fuck! God dammit!" I yelled as I went to the living room.

My dad came in and we rushed to the hospital. After a painful hour I had a beautiful baby boy. Tensei came to see us in the afternoon. Along with his parents and younger brother.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

The anger boiling up inside again. I hadn't let him see me at all since then.

"I just want to say...I want to be in his life but not all the time." Said Tensei.

I just sat there holding my baby.

"I'll think about it Tensei. But I probably won't be a yes." I said.

Tensei left while the doctors came in.

"You have a healthy baby boy. Miss?" Said the doctor.

"The less you know the better you will be." I said getting out of bed.

I put on my mask and my clothes. Then picked up my baby.

"What will your baby's name will be?" Asked the doctor trying to stop me.

"Not your problem." I said pushing him out of the way.

We left and went to UA.

"What are you going to name the cutie?" Asked midnight.

"Peter Iida." I said as Daddy Mic took him.

"Why Iida?" Asked my dad.

"So no one can know he's mine." I said.

"You keep yourself so hidden. Why?" Asked midnight.

"I don't know. Maybe so when I don't have the mask on I can be free." I said.

I liked the idea of free. I rocked my baby boy in the rocking chair at home.

I love singing and now I have someone to sing to. After he was asleep I left to go on a walk. First I stopped by my moms place. I watched as her and my baby brother walked around the room. Then I went to where my sister is. She works at a farm with her boyfriend.

I felt happy but not complete. I walked to the cemetery. I sat by Jack's grave.

"I haven't been coming around lately." I said.

"There been a lot going on. I have a copycat quirk. I'm even more powerful then Almight now. Guess you were right about me being number one. I'm not going to be a hero though. I don't want the title. I have a kid now. He's name is Peter. He looks like his father." I said laying back on the grass.

"I miss you everyday. I wish I was as powerful then as I am now. I would've stop her. My mask still has your blood on it. Along with that other guy." I said.

The wind brought a sweet smell of sunflowers. He loved sunflowers.

"I knew you could hear me. I love you Jack and always will. Even if I'm with someone else. You will be the first. I could never love as deeply as I love you. Never!" I said.

I walked back home and took care of peter. Things would be different now that I have him. I would have to be more careful.

My hero academia: The black sheepDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora