Meeting The Team - Part 2

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You: "The way I see two endings to this Robin"

Robin: "Penny for your thoughts"

You: "Either blood will be shed and one of us will leave this room conscious, or we can both leave in an orderly fashioned way and make amends"

Robin: "You talk to much, you know that?"

*Robin pulls out and extends his staff in front of him and prepares his battle stance*

You: "You do remember the last time we fought in the crater, right?"

Robin: "This isn't last time"

You: "Suit yourself, but this time I will not hesitate to put you down"

Robin: "ARGH"

Robin runs toward you and swings his staff at you, ducking his attack then using your teleportation you appear behind him and kick him directly in the middle of his back and as he spins around with alert and anger to face you, you give him a hard left hook and he goes flying back and crashing into the storage boxes. You stare down Robin as he stands up and runs at you again swinging his staff, kicking and throwing every punch he can. But you smart ass dude, avoiding every hit and blocking some attacks with one hand.

Computer: "I think this guy has daddy issues, like you sir"


You: "You can't be serious computer, his case of daddy issues seems way worse then mine"

Computer: "Fine I will do a calculation to see who is worse"

You: "Seriously? Now, really?"

Computer: "Calculations complete"

You: "Bullshit that was to quick"

Computer: "His are by far the worst"

You: "Yes, I knew it"

Computer: "But you seem to be the biggest bitch sir"

You: "Hold up, what?"

You stop in confusion and Robin who seems a little out of breath, manages to hit you with his staff across the right side of your mask, and swings it back as you grab it and sling him through the 10 inch steel flooring.

Raven: "You hear that?"

Starfire: "What is the matter?"

Raven: "It sounds like fighting coming from upstairs in the attic"

Robin comes crashing through the roof and through the couch and the main living quarters other 10 inch steel flooring. The girls turn around from facing the window and see a huge hole through the floor, and look up to see you calmly floating down towards them with electricity surging around your body.

You: "Who's next, my long life best friend or the dark sorceress?"

Raven: "Azarath Metrion Zin-"

Raven was cut off by you shooting electricity furiously at her sending her out the window

You: "Disappointing really, a demon meant to enslave earth yet fails to cast a simple spell. And you"

Starfire: "Electro, please stop this nonsense. You can talk to me"

still hovering above Starfire you tilt your head thinking over whether you should trust her or not... Considering the fact she kicked your ass on the beach

You: "Give me one good reason why I should trust you aside from our history"

Starfire: "You and I have more than just that history"

You raise your arm and point it at Starfire

You: "Your losing me Star"

You see Starfire's eyes dart to behind you, as you turn around and receive a powerful punch from Raven sending you the other side of the room just inside the kitchen. Just as you are about to fly tackle Raven Starfire shoulder charges you upward into the roof and you collapse to the floor Starfire and Raven float side by side together waiting for you, you get back up, hold onto your shoulder and loosen your arms up. Not noticing your holographic picture of you and Star falling out of your back pocket

You: "Well this should be fun"

You casually say with a smirk behind your mask

You teleport in front of Raven, you throw a right hook at her as she leans back to dodge then you left jab missing her again but body punching her in her left side and you blocking Starfire's left hook towards you but taking a quick and powerful punch by Raven to the left side of your face. Starfire pulls back her arm and goes for an over head strike as does Raven, you then grab hold of both girls arms and use your left leg to kick Star in the right side of her body then kicking Raven in her left leg just slightly above the knee cap, sending her to the ground then pushing away both arms and slugging Raven with an electricity powered fist to the face and tornado kicking Starfire.  As Starfire flies back at you throwing bright green plasma energy balls at you by shifting your body slightly to the right you dodge a shot of plasma energy and continue to do so until she reaches you, and just as she goes to throw another plasma energy ball you grab her wrist, pull her closely to you and whisper to her softly but harsh at the same time

You : "Maybe, perhaps one day we could be friends or at least allies again"

Before slinging her to the wall of the kitchen, just as you turn Raven flogs you across the mask with a part of the steel roofing, sending bits of nano-mites from your mask flying everywhere and causing you to go down onto one knee, then Raven kicks you in body making you spin through the air. You reverse your way back and grab hold of Ravens neck, choking her with one hand and charging up enough electricity to kill her father with a single punch in the other.

You: "Well this was fun, but I'm tired of playing games. If you won't listen to me I'll just kill you and find help elsewhere"

Starfire: "ELECTRO!"

You face Starfire still holding Raven and the electricity 

Starfire: "If this day, has ever had any meaning to you... You will leave my friend to go"

paralyzed, stunned and frozen you stand there, staring at the photo Starfire held in her hand, Robin slowly and weakly gets up holding his back and Beast Boy walks through the basement door in a gorilla form carrying cyborg. Your mask folds back and you look around the tower at all the destruction you caused and look back at Raven, drop her and step back away from her as she gasps for air.

You: "I-I'm s-sorry"

Starfire: "Please Electro, leave to the rooftop I shall accompany you soon and I will bring this photo"

Starfire tells you with a weak forceful smile, you nod softly and apologize one last time before zapping into the busted television and to the rooftop.

Starfire X Male Reader (Teen Titans)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu