Meeting The Team - Part 1

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Voice: "Get up"

Voice: "Wake up"

Voice: "GET UP!"

Someone slaps you and you wake up in a location unknown to you, tied up in a chair, you take a quick glance of your surroundings, you see a half man half robot and a Green Boy standing together on the left hand side of the room, a dark and mysterious cloaked figure behind them at the back of the room standing next to what seemed like a door, and to the right Starfire's bright emerald green eye's stare at you with disgust. And you've already met Robin

Robin: "Now, let's start from the beginning shall we, Who are you and Where did you come from?"

You: "I will comply, but on my planet I am allowed to get a phone call"

Computer: "Nice going genius, we are not on our planet"

You: "You are extremely intelligent aren't you"

Computer: "Of course I am, I am one of the smartest computerized systems in the entire univer-"

You: "I was being sarcastic"

Robin: "Well I wasn't, our interrogation, our rules"

You look over to Starfire, still staring at you with a disgusted look and look back at the floor

Robin: "Fine, tell us who you are"

You: "She can tell you everything you need to know about me and my capabilities"

*You look up at Starfire*

She looks at the group, just as the group looks at her, she looks at the ground and rubs her arm

Starfire: "It is true, we were the closest of friends when we were younger"

Robin: "We're not asking her, we're asking you"

You: "Fine, but please do tell me what your name is then I my trust for you will increase slightly"

Robin: "Its Robin, over there is Cyborg, Beast Boy and Raven, and there's no need for me to introduce you to Star"

You: "Robin?"

*Computer brings up all information on Robin... Including the bird*

Robin: "Yes"

You: "Robin as in the small, frail, mid-western bird?"

Robin: "....Why does everyone make a deal out of it!?"

Beast Boy: "Maybe it's because your so short bro, he has a point though"

You: "So are you all the hero's of Earth or is it this man bird?"

Robin: "I'M A MAN!"

Cyborg: "Yeah, we're all the protectors"

You: "Seems pretty pathetic"

Robin: "I Say we just throw him back in his pod and send him back to where ever he came from"

You: "You don't want to do that, trust me, there is an extremely high possibility that your world will be enslaved and, or possibly even destroyed "

Beast Boy: "Whoa dude, what?"

Robin: "What are you taking about?"

Starfire: "It is true"

Everyone stops interrogating you and looks over at Starfire

Starfire: "Electro comes from a planet not far from my home world, he and his family nowadays take over and enslave different universe's planet by planet"

Starfire X Male Reader (Teen Titans)Where stories live. Discover now