Like Hell, I'd Let Anyone Take The Fall For Me

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*You immediately stand up*

You: "Wait, what the hell do you mean, "Currently in orbit"?

*Thunder turns back to face you"

Thunder: "I mean exactly that. Your brothers are currently in orbit around Earth just a few million miles behind the moon, if the moon was on this side of the planet of course"

You: "That makes no sense, this Earth is worthless to our family how could they have known I would reside here"

Thunder: "This may be just a guess, but your brothers may have tracked us down through my other programmings"

You: "That would explain how they found us so fast"

Robin: "Who cares about how they found you, why the fuck are they shooting at the city, they're killing innocent civilians"

Thunder: "I guess you weren't listening when Electro and Ms Starfire were explaining to you, how his family Conquered, killed and enslaved beings across the multiverse"

You: "We Electronians generally have no remorse for any life form, apart from our own"

Thunder: "You know... I'm no mind reader, nor do I have the intention of ever becoming one... But I'm pretty sure that was Lightning's way of telling you to surrender yourself or he will be willing to engage in an all out human blood fest... Also known as War"

*The Titans then all turn to you*

Cyborg: "Electro, you've gotta do something about this mess You got us into"

BB: "Yeah dude, I'm too good lookin to go out like this"

*You step back as your mind races and fills with thoughts, while the Titans begin to blur and the voices of the Titans slowly fade into indistinguishable muffled voices*

Thunder: "Sir?"

*You stumble back into the glass*

Thunder: "Are you alright, sir?"

*You snap back to reality, everyone and everything goes back to normal, but your breathing. Remains the same, Everyone just watches you in silence for a split second*

Starfire: "Friend Electro?"

Starfire: "Are you the, okay?"

You: "I'm fine, I just..."

*You pause for a moment, look to the side and take a deep breath in, before looking back at the Titans*

You: "I just... Need a minute to process this"

Robin: "We don't have a minute, your brother is here now and if we don't do something about him, according to your holographic fuck buddy, he'll destroy our planet"

*Robin slowly starts walking towards you and stops a few inches away from you*

Robin: "Do something about this, or I will-"

You: "You'll what? Get yourself killed on purpose by serving as a self sacrifice? Let me tell you something short stack"

*Your electricity starts to spark around your body as you begin to levitate and lift yourself off the ground making yourself tower over him*

You: "I've been taking shit from you since the day I first arrived and I've done nothing but be kind and try to help you and your team. If you're going to try anything in a situation where you're face to face with my brother, you better try it without any hesitation, because as soon as you show the slightest bit of weakness, you and your whole team can kiss your motherfucking asses goodbye"

Cyborg: "And that means?"

Raven: "It means he'll kill us if we don't kill him the second someone gets the chance"

*Robin takes a step back and looks back at his team and looks back at you with a disappointed and untrustworthy look*

Robin: "If you become a temporary leader, you're not going to let my team die, correct?"

You: "I'll protect you all as well as I can, but I must inform you... This battle will not come without a loss"

*Robin looks at his team and then looks back at you before shifting his gaze towards the floor*

Thunder: "If you'd be so kind as to quote unquote "Hurry the fuck up" that would be much appreciated "

*Robin looks at you with a stern look and straightens his posture before informing you... That*

Robin: "You're in charge, only until we get through this. If anyone is to die, it better be you"

You: "Like hell, I'd let anyone take the fall for me"

Thunder: "So, shall I inform Lightning that you've finally reached a decision?"

*You look across the room at the Titans one by one as they nod in the agreement that was just put in place before returning your gaze at Thunder*

You: "Do it"

Thunder: "It is done, sir"

*Starfire glances at you as you begin talking with the boys before grabbing Raven's hand and pulling her to the side*

Starfire: "Friend Raven, I do not think that this is the best of the ideas"

Raven: "Why do you think that?"

Starfire: "We have always been following under Robin's command and I know that you all do not yet know Electro as I do..."

Raven: "Is this because of his past?"

*Starfire looks down and softly replies*

Starfire: "Yes..."

Raven: "It's fine, besides Star, he knows his brothers best. Therefore, he knows what their tactical proficiencies are"

*Starfire lifts her head back up and looks at Raven with a slight smile*

Starfire: "Oh... I see, I did not think of it in that way"

Raven: "Starfire, we need him to lead us through this fight and then afterwards, Robin is going to be back in charge and everything will go back to normal"

*Raven floats over the couch, then walks over to join everyone else in the middle of the room. Starfire looks over at you, talking with the boys and inviting Raven to join the conversation then turns to leave but is stopped by Robin*

Robin: "Are you okay, Star?"

Starfire: "I am, okay"

Robin: "Right, so what's on your mind?"

Starfire: "It's nothing, Robin"

Robin: "Is this about Electro being in charge for a while?"

Starfire: "Friend Raven and I have already discussed it"

*Starfire almost immediately replies back*

Robin: "Well, just keep in mind Star, it's only for a little bit, then everything will go back to normal"

Starfire: "I understand"

Robin: "Come on, we're discussing the plan"

Starfire: "Coming"

*Both Starfire and Robin head over to you with the other Titans*

You: "Alright, is everyone paying attention?"

*You ask as you glance at everyone across the room*

You: "Good, because this is where shit gets serious..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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