Yandere! Yugioh Protagonist x Reader

Começar do início

'Why am I in this dress?' Y/n thought as she tried to remember what happened to her before she passed out, "Wait a minute..."


Y/n walked to her seat but she had a feeling that somebody is watching her

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Y/n walked to her seat but she had a feeling that somebody is watching her. She looked around and found nobody watching her but she did saw one certain boy asleep. She knew who it was, he's one of the boys who have been talking to her lately... as a matter of fact, seven boys have been recently talking to her and he was one of them.

Y/n decided to let it slide off, the thought of somebody watching her was just her imagination but... she doesn't realize that he wasn't asleep, he was actually awake as he took a peek look at her.

While Y/n waited for the class to be filled, she saw her 'friends' coming towards her.

While Y/n waited for the class to be filled, she saw her 'friends' coming towards her

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"Hey, Y/n. Meet us behind school after classes" "Why?" Y/n asked. "We have a surprise for you" "Oh, okay then!" Y/n smiled as she watched them leave while wondering, 'What kind of surprise is it?'

~Time skip~

School was over and as promised, Y/n went to meet up with the group at the back of the school. For some reason, she had a bad feeling about this but once she arrived, she was terrified of what she was seeing.

Blood was everywhere and there were a few bodies that Y/n recognized, it was those girls and the rest of her 'friends' but they were barely breathing. Y/n was breathing uncontrollably until she fainted.

 Y/n was breathing uncontrollably until she fainted

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Yu-Gi-Oh Protagonists x Reader OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora