They began outlining a shape around the vertical bed I was on, then brought a crystal necklace that immediately made shivers travel the entire length of my body. A. Fucking. Black Tourmaline. Plus the message they were transferring?
I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die.
I started shaking violently so they would not be able to get the necklace on, but they did anyway. And when it was really around my neck, I began to feel drained. I felt much weaker than before, as I slightly convulsed against the metal bed and blacked out.

She's passing out a lot, huh? Lml.

"She looks lifeless,"

"Pleeasee. Tell me that it's make up making her cheeks look so hollow."

"How is she even alive?"

Imagine that you come to, hearing comments like that. And guess what? You're also in a hospital... Again. We just seem to love hospitals more than school, amiright? No? Ok.
I guess they saw my rapid eye movement, because the room had a pregnant pause. I turned myself on my side but hissed when I felt a sharp pain on my side. Too tired to investigate, I just kept on that side and tried to fall asleep again.

But the doctor came in, and everyone began to clamour.
I could still hear their thoughts, and hearing them speak too just gave me a headache The doctor had to shush them once they saw I had but the pillow over my head.
Someone walked over and snatched it away though, which made me cover my ears and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Leave me alone," my voice came out small.

"Miss Coleman, I know you don't feel your best but we have to run some tests on you. And treat your wounds."

"What- Wait What wounds?" Did some of them open?

"Can you excuse us for a moment?" What I suspect was a female nurse asked the people in the room.

I opened my eyes but squinted a bit due to harsh lighting. Once I had adjusted, he began speaking.

"While I'm glad that these didn't look grotesque, they are very obvious." He began to unwrap the bandage on my left forearm. Oh, my God. "Do you have a therapist? I think it would be best to consult with someone."
Memories flashed in my mind of what she and I did. I sat up, then brought my chin to my knees. I can't go back to her. She can't recall what I did but I can't bring myself to...

"No, I need a new one." I muttered and lightly twiddled my thumbs. "I don't. I have no one." I really don't feel like I have anyone by my side. "Can you tell them all that I'm sorry?" my voice cracked.

"Why don't you? Are they mad at you?" I could hear his general concern.

"If they aren't, they should really be." They all have the right to be. "How long have I been in here.?"

"Nine hours." so it's night time.

I looked at a nearby window and confirmed it. Then at the clock. 3:40 am.

"You're not in a crucial state like I'd expected you'd be in. You could actually be released before this day is out. Latest is tomorrow."

I didn't respond. I was busy going through a collection of memories that certain words triggered.

"Ok, I'll have your family know what you said and invite them in now." He tried to keep a strong voice but I could sense the concern and pity behind it.

I tucked my head in between my arms as they entered again. I didn't have any courage to look at them. I just want to disappear if I'm being honest. I just felt... Void. I have control but, it doesn't feel normal now.

"Cous, don't beat yourself up. We don't know what you were going through,"

I kept my position and refrained from responding. As seconds went by, the pain on my side and other areas grew. They kept on talking until they finally came closer to the bed, seeing that I wasn't making any threatening moves. I tensed when they surrounded me, giving me one big group hug.

I should be enjoying this. I honestly wanted to, but I didn't have the capacity to.

"Oh, my God. You're bleeding!!"

Someone ran to get the doctor and only two stayed as the doctors reentered and coaxed me into laying back down, now on my right side. They lifted up my hospital gown and upon seeing the injury began to move hastily. The only thing that made me become alert was the feeling of someone's hand brush against my member and private area. I opened my eyes and looked directly at the doctor's assistant. The doctor didn't even notice. I closed my eyes and huffed, hoping that whatever they were about to do was not going to take long.
The assistant came over and put a syringe in my inner elbow, injecting the contents without telling me what it was. I didn't bother to ask though. I just let the drowsiness begin to set in, concluding that it was propofol. My history with this is that, if it's to knock me out for thirty minutes, I'll only be out for ten. So I guess I'll be feeling some of the stitches this man will be arranging.


There was a cooing sound that got me up for probably the third time in twenty-four hours. I feel fatigued and woozy. Not gonna lie. I sat up and rubbed my eyes lightly then looked around the room, right to left.
Right in the middle, were Bella and Dani. Dani held one twin while Bella held the other. I furrowed my brows and looked at the time. It was at 5 am. I guess I was really tired.

"Out of everything you could choose, it was you being in this room with me in the early morning," I mumbled and shook my head. "You should both be at home sleeping."

I wasn't being bitter. I honestly didn't feel like anyone should be with me after all the havoc I wreaked on them.

"Well we're here so suck it up buttercup!" Dani joked and walked over to me with one of the twins. "I think she'd like to say hi to her mama."

I looked at her then at the baby and Bella also stepped closer with the one she was holding.
Without thinking, I took the baby in my arms and held her close to me. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I found myself even interacting with the male one in the baby voice mothers would normally speak to their children with but I just suddenly stopped. I remembered Trevor and just immediately stopped smiling.
I gave the girl and the boy a quick kiss before handing the girl back to Dani.

"W-what just happened? You were doing amazing-" Dani started, perplexed.

"She got flashbacks." Bella stated on my behalf and rocked the baby.

"Ok, I didn't think this part of the cleansing ritual through." I heard Dani mutter in realisation.

You really didn't, but it's not your fault.

"Do any of you know where my phone is?"

Bella scrunched her face, disconcerted. You need a new one.

Oh. I widened my eyes when I remembered that I gave it away. Then smacked my forehead. How stupid can I be?!

Ok, you know what, I need to rest. I'm tired of these flashbacks and certain memories that I keep getting.

"Have you had anything to eat yet??" Dani quipped.

"No, have you?" I partially squinted my eyes and folded my arms.

"Yes, we both have actually. I made sure to see to that."

Almost on cue, my stomach protested and in the distance, I could hear -and somewhat smell- food on a cart coming to this room.
When I saw what was in the tray, I knew these two sisters and my mom set up this "extravagant" breakfast.

"Surprise!" the nurse greeted as they set up the meal in front of me.

I smiled for a little while. Then shook my head.

"You need to eat." the nurse gently reminded. "I'll be back in 30 minutes."

She left and I kept my eyes on the plate. I stared at it like it was going to sprout limbs and attack me. I feel like it will take a while for me to get back to doing the things I used to do.

I really don't like this.
word count: 2134

I'm gonna have to do a good amount of time skips.

A twist In My life *completed* March 24 2021*sniffle*Where stories live. Discover now