I shrug it off. He must have gotten distracted by something. Or needed a smoke. I quickly follow him and we make our way to the hotel.

   "Actually, How did you find me so easy?" I ask him. He gives me a confused look. "That should be obvious Killua. You are brighter than a bloody lighthouse when you have your nen activated. The exact opposite of mine ironically."

    I shrug. "Fair enough. Was a bit of a stupid question though."

We arrive a few minutes later and find Leorio and Kurapika tugging at Gons foot. "Killua!" He exclaims excitedly. He tries to move but can't seem to as his foot is seemingly locked in place.

   "Are you ok there Gon? You seem to be a bit stuck." Meleoron says.

   He nods. "It's just some of Hisokas bunjee gum. Been tugging for a while with no progress."

   Gon stands straight and bends his knees. "This might be a bad idea." He says worriedly.

  "Bad idea is an understatement Gon!" Leorio shouts at him. "You could either A, jump, break the floor and smash your head through the ceiling. B, jump, not move and dislocate your ankle. C, Ripping your foot off, or lastly actually coming loose and go flying through the ceiling."

   "Then what do you recommend?" Gon asks annoyed and anxious.

   "Simple." Leorio pulls out his pocket knife and carefully cuts up the carpet around Gons foot. "I mean I can move but now the carpet is stuck to me. And why didn't we think of that earlier?"

    "Because we already have to pay for a broken window. This is just more expenses." Leorio says matter of factly.

    "I wouldn't worry too much Gon. The ability should stop after a while." Kurapika chimes in.

  Leorio nods. And Gon turns to me and remains silent. I brace myself for him to blow up at me.

    "Killuaa!!" Before I realize it he has me tackled on the ground in a tight hug. "Don't run off like that again!"

"Run off again and I'll beat your ass!" He says to me sternly. He's propped himself above me his hands by my head. Judging by the fire in his eyes he's serious. "Ok ok I won't! I swear!" I reply fearfully. Albeit mildly aroused from his dominance.

Meleoron starts laughing. "Damn Gon lay off him. Pretty sure you have him scared enough to wet himself." He walks towards the door. "Give me a few. Gonna call up ikalgo and tell him to get his short butt over here." And he exits.

Gon doesn't move and crashes down on top of me and lies still. His head against my chest. "Gon? Are you ok?" I ask worriedly. I go to poke his nose when he snores.

"Are you kidding me?" Leorio says in bewilderment. "Did he seriously just fall asleep like that?" He proceeds to face palm causing Kurapika to giggle.

"Guess the tension and anxiety he was feeling left when he knew you were safe Killua." He says to me.

"If he's that tired let's get him up to his room." Leorio finishes. He walks over and attempts to lift Gon off me, but Gon grips onto me tightly. It's as if he's trying to crush my torso.

I gasp and push Leorio back a bit. "He's crushing meeeee." I whine. Gons grip loosens a bit after Leorio let's him go, letting me catch my breath.

"My....Killua....please don't..." Gon mumbles sleepily. "Guess he wants to stay with you as always." Kurapika says. "Think you can get up and carry him back?"

I nod and slowly start to get up trying not to shift Gon so he doesn't put me in a death grip again. I lower my arms and support him by his butt as I stand. "Even now he seems more like a baby than anything else." I say quietly.

Gon continues to mumble in his sleep but doesn't try to crush me again. "Oh~ be still my beating heart ♣️!" A seductive voice says from the window followed by the flash of a camera.

I quickly turn I see Hisoka examining his phone with a wide smile on his face. "Another one for my collection!" He exclaims happily

"Hisoka!" I try to get into a fighting stance widening my feet but gon grips on tight squeezing the air out of my lungs.

I gasp again and slowly relax my body and gon does as well. "Why the hell are you back here?!" I say to him with venom in my voice. "You kidnapped my sister!"

"Oh Killua, my dear boy, now why would I do that?" He asks leaning against the wall. "Why would I try to break apart what I wanted to be together?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "Aren't you helping my brother?"

He begins to play with a deck of cards shuffling them. "Well maybe I am, maybe I'm not. I cannot say. This whole plan was his idea. Didn't you read the note he left?"

"Note? What note?" He proceeds to point to a folded piece of paper on the table. I try to walk towards it but gon shifts slightly stopping me. "Leorio can you grab that for me?"

He nods and grabs it bringing it to me. Hisoka watches me with what seems to be glee as I open and read the note. I can feel my heart stutter and almost stop as I do. "He's....making me choose..."

   I look at gons peacefully sleeping face. Then back to Hisoka. I feel as though a building has been placed in my chest. "How am I supposed to choose..between the two people I care about most in this world?"

    "Fuck my life." I say aloud.

(Authors note. Ok soooooo I'll admit I don't feel like this is my best chapter. This one stumped me a few times. I'm hesitant to post but if you are reading it well I did it. Please give me your thoughts in the comments I would love to see more comments if that isn't too much of a bother. As usual let me know of any mistakes you may see. I'd also like to ask a vote. Shall I go ahead and continue this? Or give DbF a break and put some more chapters out for Tilted Axis.  Please vote on that in the comments. I'll give it about a week after posting before checking the tally. Anyway I've kept y'all for long enough. I hope everyone is still enjoying!

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