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Diana's laughing.

Her eyes are squeezed almost shut with her head thrown back and lips pulled back. Her laugh is a little weird and she says she hates it but nevertheless it's still music to Niall's ears, and it only makes it that much better that he is the reason for her laughter.

They're in his bedroom, a movie playing on the TV that neither of them is really paying attention to because they've been too busy mucking around and talking and well, laughing. Diana likes to laugh at everything and anything that Niall says, and he's never made someone laugh so much.

"It's not even that funny," she says, still laughing, "but I just can't help but laugh."

Niall grins. "Do you want to cook something?"

She stops laughing, a smile still on her face. "What?"

"Do you want to go downstairs with me and cook something. We can cook whatever you want. We can bake a cake or cupcakes or make spaghetti. Whatever you want."

Diana smiles and nods. "Sure."

Niall slides off the bed and helps her off, keeping her hand in his as he leads her downstairs and into the kitchen. She sits up on the counter and Niall opens the pantry for her to look inside and decide what to cook or bake or whatever.

That's another thing. Not only has Niall been able to make Diana, who was once always frowning, smile, but she's become quite comfortable being around him in the past three weeks they've been dating. She's not as afraid to speak her mind to him or do something that Niall once thought she would have never have done. He's really glad that he happens to be the reason that she has come out of her shell. 

"So, Princess Diana," Niall says in a posh accent. "What shall we make? My dearest mother will be home in about an hour so might I suggest that we make dinner and bake some cupcakes?"

Diana giggles and nods. "Yeah, let's do that."

Niall smiles, although he already was smiling, so his smile just gets bigger. He takes out some pasta straws. "What do you think about Tuna caserole?"

"Love it."

"Tuna bake?"

"Love it just as much."

"So tuna caserole or tuna bake?"

Diana hums as she thinks about it. "Tuna caserole."

Niall gets the ingredients required to make tuna caserole. He also retrieves the box of vanilla cupcake mix and the other ingredients required for that. Diana moves off the counter so that he can place the ingredients there before standing beside him and waiting to be told what to do.

"Right," he says. "You make the cupcakes and I make the tuna caserole."

And they get to work. Whenever Diana doesn't know where a certain utensil or appliance is she asks Niall and he points it out for her. By the time that she has put the tray of cupcakes into the oven she seems to know where most things go in his kitchen. 

Niall has just poured the sauce that he mixed up into the pot with the pasta and he's now stirring it. Diana can't help but to stare at the prominent muscles in his bicep as he mixes the pasta around. He's wearing a white muscle tee that looks way too good on him, matched with the tightest black jeans that Diana has ever seen a guy wear and black converses. Diana wonders how she got so lucky to have a guy with not only a great body and beautiful face, but such a nice personality and kind heart.

"You're staring," Niall says, smirking over his shoulder at her.

"You have lovely arms," she says before she thinks to stop herself. Clamping her hand over her mouth, she moves to stand next to him with eyes wide. 

Diana ▹ Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now