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For Niall and Diana's next date they have a picnic near a river that Niall found when going for a jog. He just so happened to have been jogging near her house in hopes of her seeing him and inviting him over or asking to hang out. No such thing happened, but he did find this lovely river quite close to her house with a bridge and trees covered in different coloured flowers.

Niall picked her up from her house and walked with her to the river, talking about anything they've missed out on each other's lives since their last date two weeks prior. They set up a blanket with the food and bottle of wine that Niall stole from his mum. Diana talked about her family and friends from the library and Niall smiled, listening to every word she said and memorising every detail of not only the words she spoke, but the definition in her face as well.

After they ate, they just laid on the blanket, looking at the sky and continuing to talk. Diana told Niall about how the first fight her second eldest brother got into he had hospitalised a guy in his grade by bashing him with a cricket back. ("He already had the cricket bat in hand when the guy ran up behind him and knocked him across the head.") It was marked off as self defense.

She told him about how when she was little, the first time she ever had to sign up for anything online they asked for her email address and she typed it in. And then the next question asked her to confirm her email address and she simply typed in yes that's my email address. Niall was in stitches from laughing at that, leaning against one arm and holding his stomach.

Diana spoke about how her eldest brother is getting married in a few months and how growing up she was always trying to get as close to both her brothers as possible, considering they were only one year apart from each while she was five years younger than the second eldest. "My mum said that they adored me when I was a toddler," she said, smiling to herself. "I adored them too. If they ever did something stupid that could get themselves injured I would cry and beg them to not do it. It's not just because they're my brothers; I just genuinely care about them, as if they were my friends."

It was somewhere through those few sentences that Niall realised how lonely she must be. Her brothers moved out two years prior and they must've been the only friends she had. He doesn't know what happened at her previous school but he figures that it must be quite similar to what is happening to her at this school for her to feel so lonely even before she came to this school.

It was then that Niall decided he was going to be the best friend Diana has ever had. Although he already had made the decision to make her feel wanted and as if she had a friend, he was going to make her feel so much more than that. He's going to love her and make her feel as if she has never been bullied before and that she is the only girl on this planet. He'll be her everything, and she'll be his. He's going to do it.

The pair took their time walking back to Diana's house, stopping just outside the white picket fence. Staring at each other, unsure what to do, Niall was about to ask her if he could kiss her, afraid that she wouldn't appreciate it if he just swooped down and did it without permission. It's stupid to worry about that, really, but he doesn't want to upset Diana.

He didn't get a chance, however, but he did get asked if he wanted to come inside. He asked about her parents and she said that they weren't home and even if they were she'd still ask him. He smiled and nodded.

And that's how he ended up standing in her living room at this moment.

She's getting him some water, even though he said he was fine. Niall's had two glasses of wine today, but it's still not enough to make him tipsy, while Diana had only had one because she claims that she is a ridiculous lightweight.

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