Chapter 10

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I freeze in my place as I try and comprehend what is happening. Lin is still staring at me jaw dropped that she looks like a statue. The guy who shouted Leo's name runs up to him and slaps him on the back.

"Leo, Kate has been looking for you everywhere. She said something about you running away with another girl." His eyes move to mine and back up to Leo.

"I told her that it was bullshit, but, uh, maybe I was wrong?" Leo tilts his head then follows his friend's eyes to me and his flannel over my shoulders. He goes to say something, but is cut off by a scream.


Everyone's heads turn to the sight of a blonde haired model wearing a dark blue crop top and ripped jeans. She towers over me with her black heels and I automatically feel intimidated. There's fire in her eyes-not from the bonfire- as she storms over to Leo, who has a look of confusion and annoyance. 

"You think that you can just walk away from me and leave me alone for a half an hour after what just happened!" Her white teeth are grinding and I drown myself further into Leo's flannel.

Uh oh.

The flannel.

I'm wearing Leo's flannel.

It was like Kate read my mind and her eyes dart from mine to the flannel, to which she violently  yanks off my shoulders.

"And who the hell is this!? This the girl you ran away with?? I should have known you were doing this to me. She's not even pretty!!" She shakes the flannel in his face and I suddenly feel like running away and never coming back. I start to move away when I hear Lin's voice getting louder as she runs to the scene.

"Don't you fucking talk to my friend that way! Who do you think you are? Some snotty princess who thinks she can just walk all over everybody?" She's practically screaming, but Kate doesn't stand back. Instead, she shoves Lindy back, making her lose control of her balance and falls to the cold ground.

"Actually, I am. You don't even belong here, I heard Dillon only wants you because he wants to stay above you in academics and class, which you have zero in." She is smiling with pride, but frowns once she notices a few guys, including Dillon, running up to her to help her up. Lin gets her balance and runs from the guys grasps, a balled fist in hand, ready to wreck Kate's polished face. She is held back by Leo and Dillon, who grab her just in time before a real fight commences. Lin is kicking and squirming, but stops when she knows they're too strong for her to get free. I try to run up to her but am pulled back by the collar of my sweater from Kate's french manicured nails.

"And where do you think you're going, whore?" She growls at that last word and I twist out of her grasp to collide right into a figure that must have just walked into the scene. I look up to see James with his arms around me and moving me to the other side of him, away from Kate. 

"Hey! Are you okay?" He keeps his arms around me and I feel my body start to relax. With everything happening I forgot about how cold it was outside. I look up and nod to him, causing Kate to get even angrier at us for not acknowledging her existence.

"Excuse me!! I wasn't done talking to her!" Kate yells, but Leo pipes in before something else could be said.

"Kate! Just leave it alone! You don't know the situation because you always assume the worst possible thing! I'm not fucking cheating on you! You drag me here to this party, you make me drink when I said I didn't want to, and now you're calling me out on cheating just because I gave a girl my flannel? It's 40 fucking degrees outside, of course I gave her my jacket because it's COLD!" Leo blows and walks away, a few guys following him back inside the house. Kate watches him go and pouts as she doesn't see him turn back to her. 

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