Chapter 8

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The word slip out of my mouth and Mark takes in our bulging eyes, quickly looking down at himself checking for anything spots on his jacket.

His entire attire looked straight out of a fashion magazine. He had on black jeans with a white t-shirt and a classic blue jean jacket fittingly over it. The Mark I always knew sorted through the same five marvel t-shirts and if it was cold an olive green hoodie. It was like a very fashionable demon took over his body and forced him into clothes that are actually tailored to his size. 

He looked really good. 

I smile at him and he smiles back, a small blush creeping on his cheeks.

He jiggles the handle to the backseat which breaks Lindy out of her trance. The door unlocks with a click and Mark steps in, finally breaking the silence.

"Didn't I say I'd be the one driving tonight?" He buckles his seat belt and frowns, noticing the car still in park. He then looks at us still gawking at him from head to toe.

"Oh my god, is it really that bad? I'll go change if-"

"No!" Lin and I both yell, looking at each other and screaming jinx. Lindy finally pulls the car in drive.

"What's with the new look anyway, Mark?" Lin says, not afraid of announcing the elephant in the room. I turn around to face him, seeing him roll his eyes midway.

"My mom thought my clothes were getting old and I needed something new. Then I told her I was going out tonight and I don't think I've ever seen her put an outfit together so quick. I was apprehensive about it first, but it's growing on me." He smiles, a tint of pride in his face.

"Plus, it looked like it struck some attention."

"Well no shit it did." Lin spats, playing with the radio stations. "I thought I'd have to look for Spider Man to spot you tonight." The smile leaving Marks face.

"Well at least I won't look like every other girl there just to fit in." Lin gasps and Mark smirks. I knew they couldn't be nice to each other for too long.

"Guys, come on. Let's have a good night, no fighting." I turn my head back and forth and they nod, knowing they'll get no where if they keep doing it.

For a while we sing along to some pop songs and talk about how we did on exams. A calmer song comes on and I look out the window, taking deep breaths and taking in what Abby said earlier. 

Just have fun. 

"Wait! Did Leo match with you yet?" Lin puts a hand to her forehead like she's sick, she tries grabbing for my phone sitting at the center console. I snatch it before she could.

"Eyes on the road! And no, trust me I would have told you a second after he did. I've been going on it here and there though." I open up the app, I ended up giving in to downloading the app after Lindy told me how ridiculous it was to keep using an internet browser. I've been talking to a few guys and they're nice, but I'm terrible at flirting and some guys just end up being weird after a couple texts.

Mark scoffs behind me, his heading buried in his own phone. "What's the big deal with Leo anyway? He's just another hot guy who probably plays girl after girl, he seems pretty pretentious to me." Silence fills the car once again and this time it's me who pipes in first.

"He's not pretentious, he's sweet. He cares about his friends a lot and he gets good grades, Lindy even said herself. He loves the environment-"

"But that's what you've heard about him, Payton, you've never even met him. He could be a serial killer for all you know. How can you have such a big crush on someone you barely know?" His voice is almost angry and with that I slouch down in my seat, never really thinking about it like that. He just seems like this amazing guy and from what I've heard he sounds just like I picture him, good and kind. Maybe I'm just setting myself up for disappointment.

Lindy notices my sunken posture and grips her hands on the steering wheel.

"Well, you know what Mark? I've met him and I can easily say that he is kind, smart, gentle, and an overall great guy. Just because he looks like a douchebag doesn't mean he is one, not all guys are like that. You think you're so high and mighty, but for what? You stay at home every night and play board games with your nerd friends and- OW!" My hands swaps her bare arm and she rubs it with her other hand, semi-losing control of the car.

"What the hell, Payton?" 

"What did I say about the bickering? Thank you for trying to defend me, but Mark has a point too. I won't know what he's actually like until I talk to him." 

Mark begins to smirk but I backhand his knee.

"Jeez, Pay!"

"And you. Let me have my night and my daydream. Even if I never talk to him for my entire life, at least give me the satisfaction of thinking he's this wonderful and beautiful human no one deserves."

Lin lets out a laugh and Mark sighs, going back to his phone where he's playing a dragon game. The music is turned up and we're back to normal. My eyes go back to the signs of the highway passing by.

I guess I never really thought about Leo like that until now. His social media definitely made him seem like a dream. His tan skin glowing in every picture and his long hair naturally curled to his shoulders. It was by accident that I found his page, after scrolling around he showed up on a kid from my school's picture, causing me to dive into his profile with no hesitation. It started as a mere crush, looking at updates on his story, like he was some kind of celebrity. However, once I met Lindy and showed her a picture one day, she told me everything she knew about him and I fell into a deeper hole. 

I just like to think of it as a celebrity crush, never to happen in a million years. I would never even look right standing next to him, let alone dating him. 

That's why I'm not getting my hopes up on him swiping right on me. Why would he even need the app when he can get any girl he wants?

So, I basically just obsess over him with Lin and my mom, who also thinks he's a god. That's why when I saw him at the college for the first time I ran away as quick as I could, knowing if he ever saw me again I would just be known as the random smoothie girl.

It still hasn't register through my mind that I might see him at the party.

After about ten minutes Lin pulls up to a long driveway that opens up to a beautiful white mansion, overlooking Barwood Lake. People are scattered along the front yard and from where we parked, tucked in the woods off the driveway with hundreds of other cars, there were shirtless guys running towards the back to jump in the lake.

"It's December and they're going in the lake?" Mark questions, stuffing his hands in his pockets. I slip my phone in my back pocket and hear teeth chattering coming from across the car.

"Someone cold?" I tease, but Lindy just huffs.

"Shut up, let's just go in and get something to drink." She speed walks to the house. She's the only one I know who can walk in heels that well. Mark and I look at each other, both of us hesitant of what's to come. He grabs my hand for a second, warmth running all the way up my arm. He can tell I'm already getting anxious.

"You ready?"

I smile. "Yeah."

"Good, because I'm freezing." He starts jogging away. I gasp and see a car coming up behind me, I start running after him.

"Hey, wait up!"

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