Part - 1

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@Raizada Mansion, around 8am;

A tall dark and devastatingly handsome man in early 30s dressed up in black Armani suit with brown shirt was pacing to and fro inside in his master bedroom while yelling on his right hand man through the Bluetooth " I don't care, if they're not able to give me answer in two days then I will consider their rival company Bandra Textiles ... Arnav Singh Raizada never waits for others " cutting the call left for dining area

When he reached to dining area, he saw his Dadi Devyani Singh Raizada & Anjali Jindal having their breakfast in silent. He took his usual seat. Giving a small greeting, he started having his toast and juice.

Anjali " Ummm " cleared her throat to get his attention

Arnav " What is it Di ? "

Anjali smiled lovingly " I have something to discuss with you Chote "

Arnav " What is that Di ? " taking a sip of his juice

Anjali " Chote me & Dadi have seen a girl for you and we want you to marry her "

Arnav " You know very well I will never marry so don't even think about it " gritting his teeth " Why can't you understand I just don't want to get married ever in my life! Main jaisa hoon vaisa tik hoon. I don't need anyone in my life. You always bring new proposal for me, and like always I'll refuse to this one too "

Anjali " Chote for how long are you going to continue your reckless life style? It's time you must settle down "

Arnav " Di, I don't believe in marriage or 'll never marry anyone " was about to leave

Anjali " I don't care what you believe or what you doesn't. And I'm on my decision if you disagree with this proposal then I will never talk with you not step in this house "   turning Dadi " Dadi, I'm leaving for my house "

Dadi " Par Bitiya, Damadji will return from London in four days "

Anjali " Don't worry Dadi, I'll manage " got up and left for her room to pack her things

She knew this time Arnav agree to the marriage proposal within few minutes because she very well knew her Chote love her more than anyone. She felt bad doing emotional blackmailing with her brother but she had done this because she was not pleased with his Casanova image. Every day seeing the photos of his with supermodels, actresses, society butterflies draped all over him on every sleazy magazine and newspapers made her hell worried for his future. She came out her thought hearing Arnav voice.

Arnav " Di " seeing Anjali ignoring him busy to pack clothes became worried "Di I'm ready to get married "

Anjali turned " Promise me you won't deny the marriage proposal. Promise me you will get married with the girl I select. Promise me Chote "

Arnav hugging her " I promise Di. I will married with your choice and I won't deny this proposal no matter whatever happen " making her relief

Anjali " We are going to meet her tomorrow "

Arnav " What so early ? " breaking the hug

Anjali " I don't want you to changed your mine and that's the reason I make it fast. Also you have promise me Chote so you can't back off now "

Arnav " Arnav Singh Raizada never back off from his words Di "

Anjali " I know " with a smile on her lips


@ Gupta House, around 9 am;

A very beautiful girl with milky white skin and green hazel eyes was continuously weeping in her room. She was not at all ready for this marriage but her foster family persuaded her to agree with this marriage proposal.

Garima " Kusi, why are you crying ? Your rishta got fixed in a wealthy family! Yeh ka kam hai "

Khushi " Amma, I don't want to marry that Laad Governor "

Bua "Dekho Parmeswari ... It's your luck that an orphan like you are getting married to such a wealthy family. Don't know what Raizads saw in you "

Garima " Dekh Kusi because of you our Payalia's marriage got broken and also got humiliated in Lucknow. Agar tu Raizada khandan ki Bahu ban gai to humari Payalia ki bhi bohot acche ghar me shadi ho jayegi "

Buaji " Yes and more on that you will become rich and can help us " smiled cunningly

Khushi " Buaji I will never touch Arnavji's money althought I'll be his wife "

Buaji " Deko Parmeswari woh lok kal sham ko 5 baje aye bas tum kal koi drama maat karna " sternly " Understood "


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