Chapter 52 Settle

Start from the beginning

One day you're gonna watch your humans suffer and it's all gonna be your fault.Hehehehe.....
You will crawl back to me and wished you took my offer....But I'm a patient person.Everyone falls to the pits of negativity...and I'm not letting you GO!"
"...Then until that day comes.Just Shut up and stay out of my head"
"Hehehe.....I'm going to enjoy breaking you!"
"Good luck I don't break easily"
"Only physically....Am I right? Hehehehehehe!"
*You punched the black figure and it shattered like glass
"Annoying little shit"

*Suddenly the voices returned and you covered your ears but to no avail.The voices kept speaking nothing but all negativity.Insisting you to kill all monsters and humans and going to the next world and spreading fear and misery to everyone that stands in your way.You wanted it to shut up but it slowly quiet down.

"I will let you experience an endless Nightmare until you give in..I hope you will finally see my partner"

*You felt your body shaking
*You opened your eyes

"(Y/N)!Whats wrong with you!"Chara
*You see Frisk and Chara standing above you staring and with tears in their eyes.Your were on the bed
"What's going on?"you asked
"You tell us!You been flailing around in your sleep!"Frisk
(Oh this is worse than I thought)
"I think I have to leave"you said getting up
"No!Stop!Your not leaving!"Chara said grabbing your arm
"Did you have a Nightmare?Frisk
"(Y/N)!"Frisk and Chara
"I just have a headache"
"Can you please stop acting like nothings wrong!"Frisk
"Let me sit down"

*You told them what happened when you absorb Nightmare's powers and your dream to them

"Is there anything we can do to help?"Frisk
"Just leave.Please..Just stay away"
"This isn't normal anymore"Frisk
*They hugged you
"Your an idiot when you leave us"Chara
"So we're not leaving you"Frisk
"But I might end up hurting you"

"You don't have to worry about that"Chara
"Because you will never hurt us"Frisk
"Your both fine with..."it"in my head?"
"So if you're feeling sad again we won't complain about you being clingy"Chara
"But you never did"
"I just don't want to hurt your feelings"Chara
"Heh.....There was someone that wanted me to go somewhere"
"Go where?"Chara
"I don't know really but...They might help me with this problem"
"Then let's go now"Frisk said letting go and looking at you
"Ok in a moment"you said pulling her back in the hug
"(Y/N) let's hurry"Frisk
"I just don't want to regret going there if they can't help me"
"We won't know until we go right?"Chara
"Yeah...I just don't want to lose you again in a place I never been to"
"Then go there first then comeback and get us"Chara
"No...Doing that will make me more worried.I feel better when I with you"you said
"(Y/N) can we just go"Frisk
*They let go and you got up

"So where are we really going?"Chara
"Um i have another thing to confess"
"Ok what is it?"Chara
"But promise me you both won't be mad"
"...Promise"Frisk and Chara
"You know that jacket you got me"
"Your wearing it"Frisk
"Not exactly..The original one kinda got..burned during the fight with Ink"
"Then what's that your wearing?"Chara
"A replica I made using-"
"Your magic"Frisk
"Yes"You said hugging Frisk
"I didn't say I forgive you"Frisk said and you let go
"Sit down on the couch"Chara said and you did
"You're not allowed to hug us or kiss us"Chara
"That's the punishment"Frisk
"But that's too much!"
"Is it really?"Chara
"..Can I at least hold your hands?"
"..That's fine"Frisk
*You felt relieved and got back up

"Ok..let's go.I want to forget what just happened"
*They whispered amongst themselves
"Ok"they said and followed you
*You opened the front door while thinking about going to the Omega Timeline.You walked through the doorway and see nothing but white.Chara and Frisk bumped into you.

"Hey why..did you.."Frisk
"(Y/N) where are we?"Chara
"I have no clue"
*You see numerous Monsters,Humans and Flowers?

"Welcome to the Omega Timeline"
"Frisk please explain"you said
"I don't know!"Frisk
"I'm talking to this grey Frisk"you said
*Frisk notice they looked alike

"This is the Omega Timeline where anyone can stay or visit.Everyone you see here is from Alternative Universes"Frisk
"I'm still lost"you said
"Oh Frisk..Got another visitor?" ?
"Oh it's another set of Chara and Frisk Huh.But I'm afraid I never met you" ? Said
"Because we never had"
"Haha no I mean...You see everyone here right?Don't you think almost everyone has the same face?"

*You do see.Almost all the humans look the same as Frisk and Chara just with different clothes.
"Huh.So let me get this straight....This is a place where all Alternate Universes interact and that's why I see different copies of Frisk and Chara.But your also telling me...They're  also my alternate girlfriends?!"

*Chara and Frisk punched your stomach

*You fell to the ground clenching your stomach
"Haha I guess you can say that" ? looking down to you
"This place is where anyone can come no matter where you are but you can only enter through your Universe not others"Frisk
"(Y/N) said you can help him"Frisk
"What's wrong?"Frisk
"He had a bad dream and now he might lose his sanity"Chara
"...That's in Dreams department"Frisk
"So how do meet him?"Frisk
"He will be here shortly"Frisk
"Wait what?"Frisk
"Hey Frisk So wheres the problem"Dream
*Dreams sees you on the ground in pain

"Oh let me heal you"
*The pain suddenly went away
"Waoh I feel better"
"If you didn't say what you said, you wouldn't even experience that"Chara
"Sorry I couldn't help it"
"Say that one more time and we're leaving you"Frisk
"Okay I will stop"
"So are you Dream?"Chara
"He is what (Y/N) said"Frisk
"Excuse me?"Dream
"Can you help (Y/N) with his Nightmares?"Frisk
"(Y/N)..what did you see in your Nightmare?"Dream

"A black liquid figure like me telling me to destroy everything in my way"
"..Must be the side effects from the fight"Dream
"No it was when I absorb Nightmares powers"
"Yes But his powers isn't linked to his negativity"Dream

"Well when I said absorb I meant I absorb everything he could offer.When I absorb someone's magic, while making physical contact, I'm able to understand it and copy it in an instant.And feel what that person felt when they use said magic"

"Well that explains how you teleported but you gave back the black apple"Dream
"Could there be any leftover negativity in me?"
"There could but.."Dream said and created something in his hands

"Here wear this and go to sleep.If it doesn't work you can come back and tell me"Dream said handing you what looks like a dream catcher

"I doubt this will work"
"Just wear it, Idiot"Chara said hitting your side
*You wore the dream catcher on your chest and tied the lace around your neck
"I hope it will solve your problems"Dream
"Same here"you said
"Let's go back home now"Chara pushing you
"Don't you want to see your other versions of yourselves?"
*They both looked
"No. Your more important"Chara pushing again
"Heh alright.But wheres that skeleton guy?"
"He's over..."Frisk said as she sees countless skeletons
"Hmm Maybe next time.I forgot to ask his name"
"Yeah next time.Now let's go"Frisk said pulling you
"Ok ok.Grey Frisk I'm leaving now"
"Ok I hope you'll feel better"Frisk
"Same"You said as you Chara and Frisk pulling your arms

*Frisk and Chara lead you to the door until you were stopped by a skeleton that smelled like cigarettes

"Hey there pal.Whats your name?" ?
"What?" ? Asked
"You got some hostile intent there "pal"you said
"Oh you noticed then I guess you won't mind if I-" ?
"G Stop right now!"Frisk yelled
"You brought a dangerous person here Core" G
"It's Frisk and don't tell me who I can't bring here!"Frisk
"Tch Whatever"G said and left

*You stared at him till he was far away

"Frisk who was that?"You asked
"That person is name G.His world was falling apart and now he's here"Frisk
"What's his problem?"Chara
"I don't really know"Frisk
"Let's just leave or we're gonna stay longer than expected"you said
"Ok"Frisk and Chara
"Sorry for the inconvenience"Frisk
"It's ok it's not your fault" you replied
"...(Y/N)!.Some secrets should be kept hidden"Frisk
"Alright"You said and walked out and enter back home in Snowdin

Next Time

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now