8 - Sirius the chihuahua

Start from the beginning

Peter was still staggering around and held onto a sideboard piled high with towers of liquorice wands to keep steady. It was just unfortunate that when a frazzled Professor McGonagall rushed in, he jumped and somehow managed to knock down every last one of them.

"Oh for heavens' sake, Pettigrew!" she exclaimed in exasperation. But as he and Sirius bent down to pick them back up, she cast a drying spell over them with a roll of her eyes.

He looked over his shoulder shyly and muttered a thanks. She gave him a small smile.

All things considered, Emmy really did feel sorry for Peter. He very noticeably lacked the good looks of his friends and his awkward manner and clumsiness did him no favours.

"Well what I was going to say, was that the portkey I have here," she held out a copy of Transfiguration for Trolls, "Leaves in two minutes to take you back up to Hogwarts.

She handed it to Lily, "Can I entrust you with this, Miss Evans, whilst I seek out other students taking refuge in nearby shops?"

"Of course, professor," she replied gratefully.

As McGonagall whisked out of the shop, Emmy and Alice peered out after her, the professor pointing her wand at the sky and created an umbrella from the rain drops as her neat high heels clicked along the cobblestones.

"What a badass," Alice murmured quietly .

"I think I just want to be her," Emmy agreed.

About moment later, everyone began crowding around the portkey. The excitement in everyone's eyes sparkled, and with the rain hammering against the windows, the beautiful colours of the sweet shop and baited breath, the wait for the portkey wasn't long enough.

A sudden blinding light shone from the book and, with a creak of the floorboards, they were gone.


They arrived back at the Gryffindor tower just before dinner. They threw their bags into the common room before running down to the Great Hall to make it in time for Dippet's speech.

The headteacher was just standing up as all ten of them hurtled down the middle of the room and hurdled the benches, Emmy landing on top of Marlene with a short yelp of laughter. She felt McGonagall's eyes on her back and looked over to wince a quiet apology.

Professor Dippet's speech only lasted a merciful three minutes before they dove into the food.

They all stayed chatting together until they were the last ones left at the tables, exhilarated from their adventures that day. James and Sirius were enthralled in a heated debate on whether it would be better to be an animagus or a metamorphmagus with Marlene and Emmy.

"Yeah, but you can change into anything if you're a metamorphmagus, it's only one animal if you're an animagus. And anyway, what if you turned into something stupid like a chicken?" reasoned Marlene.

Emmy cackled, "Imagine you turned into a chihuahua!"

"But you could turn into like really macho, good-looking dog. That would definitely be worth it," countered an indignant-looking Sirius.

"Dogs, are dogs Sirius. There's not that much difference between a chihuahua and an Irish wolfhound when it comes down to it."

Remus choked on his drink and had to be thumped on the back by a sniggering Peter. Sirius had a particularly sour look on his face. Emmy frowned in confusion but supposed he'd finally realised she'd won and went back to her spaghetti.

They were interrupted by a shriek from Lily. "It's almost ten o'clock, you idiots! We're supposed to be having a sleepover."

"Oh crap," yelped Alice, dragging Emmy up and pulling her over the bench.

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