Not a Time to Panic (Maybe)

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Hiccup's POV

I started walking back to my hut. I was scared. Scared that my friends lives were in danger. Ever since I was little I could feel this force and hear this voice. Well it was almost more like a sound, a call. Last time I answered it I did not end well. It's okay hiccup just calm down, I thought to myself. Everything will be fine, just keep fighting. For my friends. This feeling would come every so often. Multiple times a year. I could feel each time they were getting stronger. I was scared. I opened the door to my hut and toothless woke up at the sound. 

He looked at me and I could tell he could see, almost sense, my concern and distress.

 Toothless is the only one who knows.

 "It's okay bud. I'm fine". He cooed in response looking sad. I pat him on the head. "I'll be okay." I reassured him. Well really I was reassuring both of us. I never know if it will really be okay. I was scared. He was scared. I have told him about the first time I experienced the force. He knows how much I worry about it. I just don't want something like that to happen to my friends. Or especially toothless. I was just sitting for a while. I eventually went back to working on my dragon blade when there was a knock at the door. I opened it. 

It was Astrid.

 I knew why she was here. Great. "Hey Hiccup. I just wondering if I would stop by and see if everything was okay. You seemed pretty spaced out in the forest. Is something wrong?" She asked me. 

I could hear the slight concern in her voice, I could tell she really cared. " oh nothings wrong. I don't know what happened back there. I guess I was just thinking." I lied. I could still feel the force pulling on me and the calls were slowly getting louder. I started to panic. 

"Are you sure? Hiccup you know you can talk to us or at least me we're your friends. You don't have to hide anything" 

I looked at her. She did seem quite worried. But what I was worried about was the fact that the force began to pull harder. It hurt. It hurt to fight it but I knew I had to. " I know Astrid." I said trying to not my show panic in my voice.

 " well then. Dinners almost ready. Heather is cooking. Are you going to join us?" 

" yes Astrid I'll be there in a minute just let me finish things here and I'll be right there. Okay"

 I said. I was really starting to struggle. " Okay see you soon then." With that she walked off and I closed the door and immediately put my back in the wall and slowly slid down to the floor. A single tear fell from my eye.

 I looked at toothless and said " what am I going to do bud?" He wined and came closer laying his head on my lap. " thanks bud" is all I said to him. I knew he would always be there for me. Always.

Astrid POV

As I walked away from Hiccup's hut I heard him close the door. There's definitely something wrong but he just won't tell me. I start walking toward the clubhouse for dinner thinking about our conversation. He started out fine. But seemed to get more and more nervous as we kept talking. I wonder what's on his mind. I entered the clubhouse and was immediately greeted by Heather.

 "Hey Astrid. Dinners almost ready. Where's Hiccup?" She said. 

" He said he'd be here in a minute." I replied. " Hey guys. Have you noticed Hiccups been acting different today." I asked. 

" What do you mean by different." Asked Fishlegs. "Well earlier me and Snotlout were in the forest and Hiccup stopped by to ask what we were doing. We chatted for a while and the he just spaced out whole we were talking then just said he needed to get back to work." I explained.        " yeah it was totally weird." Said Snotlout backing me up. 

" well that is a little weird but I don't think it's anything to worry to much about." Fishlegs reassured. " Well even weirder was when I was talking to him a  few minutes ago. He started off fine but as we talked he seemed so get nervous, scared even while he was talking to me. I think he's trying to hide something." I explained some more.

 " well when he comes over here maybe you can ask him about it." Heather suggested. I just smiled in response.

 The thing was Hiccup wasn't showing up. 

We waited. 5 minutes, nothing. 10 minutes, nothing. 30 minutes, still nothing.

 We all looked at each in a way that said somethings definitely wrong. "maybe he just fell asleep." Said Tuffnut. " or he just got carried away with working." Followed Ruffnut. " he should have come by now" I said I was starting to worry.

 " Listen, let's just give him the night and ask him about it tomorrow." Suggested Heather. " I guess" I replied. The rest of the night we just talked and ate. I couldn't help but worry that something might be wrong with Hiccup but he just isn't telling us.

I guess maybe I'll find out in the morning.

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