"I don't think we ever met. I am very new to this city, and I don't recall seeing someone as exotic as yourself." Yoongi bluntly responded. A strong line of silence came upon the two of them as Yoongi realized what he said and blushed massively. Jimin was holding in what seemed to be giggles.

"I don't mean that in a bad way, I swear-"

"So what way did you mean?" Jimin asked with a smile on his face. Yoongi didn't know what he was saying, but he cleared his throat and blurted something else.

"I just mean, you are very good looking and I would notice you right away."

Yoongi blushed harder and looked away as Jimin giggled into his hand. Yoongi could feel his entire face turning red with embarrassment. Why was he already so comfortable with Jimin, anyway?

What made it so easy to talk to him?

"Thank you again, but I beg to differ. I think you look mighty fine but I can't really say it around you know who." Jimin smiled. Yoongi looked to him and flashed him a small smile.

"Thanks. And yeah, Taehyung overall is so....so-"

"Controlling?" Jimin asked as he looked straight at Yoongi. The elder nodded carefully. Taehyung was crazy. Yoongi had an idea that he forced that gem out of Jimin's system. He wants Jimim to be in pain. He wants him to suffer. But for what? What was his motive?

"Well, I can say the same about Jungkook. You know, he used to be a good kid when I first got bought."

"What happened?"

Jimin looked to the city and watched as carraiges and people passed by like it was their everyday routine.

"He.... something happened to him. It was horrific and he ended up actually gaining something in his brain that forces him to go emotionless at times. No one knows how or what happened, but the trauma was enough to remove his Gem from his body." Jimin explained. Yoongi was curious. What could possibly happen to Jungkook, the literal right hand man of the kingdom and the scariest man alive.

"Do you know what exactly happened?"

Jimin looked to him with sad eyes. Then he smiled sadly.

"Taehyung happened."



Jimin was thrown onto the ground in front of the king harshly. He coughed and groaned as he felt his body ache from the previous beating.

"Open your eyes." Seokjin yelled. Jimin did as he was told and opened his eyes. When he did, he noticed a man, about the age of 15, standing right next to Seokjin with the most innocent curious eyes.

But he didn't stare for long. He was forced to sit straight and was being held up by his hair. Jimin winced in pain as he looked to the king.

"Y-Your majesty, doesn't that hurt him?" Jungkook asked with worried eyes. Seokjin patted his head and nodded.

"A liar deserves this treatment, Jungkook." He replied.

"Dear brother of mine, I want to make him my personal servant, just like how Jungkook is yours." Taehyung smiled. Seokjin sat silently and watched as annoyance spread into Jimin's expression.

"Do his parents agree, certainly, we have to follow a law."

"Yes, they have taken the money." Taehyung smiled as he held up the written report. Seokjin shrugged.

"Take him then, but if I find him lying to me, I want him beat."

Taehyung nodded frantically and snapped to Jungkook to help him out. The black haired male immediately walked to them and carefully picked Jimin up.

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