Chapter 16 ~ Ready To Run

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Woah its been a while, Sorry for the long break guys! I have been in university!!! But I will be slowly updating this story (Also I have started on the Zachel 3rd book!) and hopefully it will be done by this time next year! Enjoy

Rayanna x 

"Narissa?" a man with long brown locks says, Stepping towards me. He had beautiful eyes and tattoos that sagged slightly as his arms moved. Harry.

"She is beautiful. Niall you where right" another man says, More tattoos and darker hair. He smelled of rich cologne and his smile lit up the room. Zayn.

"Wow" Breathlessly a man with medium lengthed hair said. His hand swooping infront of his eyes to catch the falling brown hair. He was tall, shy and handsome. Louis. 

"She is worth it" The man with 4 arrow tattoo's all facing in the same direction says. He stands with a staight back and a slight smile. Liam.

"Attention passengers of flight 506 to LAX, The flight delay has been lifted due to clearance of the run way. Final call will be in 5 minutes" The loud announcer on the intercom says but I almost didn't hear him because of the screams.

I start to cry, This is everything I have ever wanted. All four boys speak and whisper amongst one another but Niall stands with a blank stare on his face. His eyes locks on mine. The words he wants to say almost dance my tounge due to such a connection. The corner of my mouth peaks up in what appears to be a smile but becomes a heavier sob.

"Narissa" Niall croaks out. He shuffles to my side and puts his hand on my cheek.

"Niall I can't. I know this must have been hard for you but I can't." I look into his now teary eyes. "I got to get on this flight."

I turn my back to the five boys who single handedly showed me what love is and also broke my heart. These five boys took me into their lives for the 6 years they where together but after those 6 years and they walked away from one another, I walked away from myself. I wasn't passionate any more, I lost my drive ... I gave up. So if they can give up on my with no warning, I can give up on them. I walked quickly to the boarding station for my plane. 

"Wait" Harry scream. "Don't leave him, You are the best thing that has ever happened to him"

I turn around furious that Harry. They ripped out my heart and handed it to me in the form of a video diary and now I am the bad guy for leaving? I stop my suitcase right in its tracks and run right up to Harry's face.

"And you five" I scream, Nose to nose with one of the boys who I would have given up my world for. "Where the best thing that happened to me! Guess what? You left." 

All five boys posture changes as they exchange glances. Sorrowful looks and hurt feeling fill the room. Louis was the first to hug Zayn which led Liam to hug Niall and Harry to start crying. 

"So I am going to leave" I say in a tear filled voice. "Just like how you left me"

"Attention passengers of flight 506 to LAX this is the last call, I repeat Last Call" The announce speaks again.

I turn away from Harry's loud sobs. I run as quickly as I possibly can to my boarding station and get my ticket checked so I can get on the plane. I look back quickly to see the five boys crying and holding each other. Maybe I broke them the same way they broke me. I broke Niall ... again.

Maybe leaving is the best thing.

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