Good manners

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A Wonderful Example Of Good Manners...

It has been mentioned about one of the Salaf that he was told that an individual was speaking ill of him. So he sent his worker to bring the person a basket of fruit, which was rare during that time, and he wrote a letter saying: "O my brother, it has reached me that you said such-and-such about me, and Allāh knows that it's not true. May Allāh pardon you and forgive your mistake. And know that your status in my heart today is greater than it was yesterday." Who is able to do this?! Our Salaf were the most wonderful examples of good manners.

[Book: Explanation Of The Concise Advices Of Shaykh-ul-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah by Shaykh Sulaymān ar-Ruḥaylī, p. 103-104 | Translator: Rasheed Barbee | Authentic Statements Publishing]

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