Weakness of Faith

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By: Moulana Yunus Patel
(rahmatullahi alay)

Weakness of Faith

Dealing with various cases every day of our lives, we find something which has become so common is the type of statements that people utter when they are in difficulties, hardships, pain and suffering. …There is just no contemplation, no reflection, no thought – just immediate criticism of Allah Ta’ala’s system and ‘government’ - as we will say.

Some question Allah Ta’ala’s wisdom and say: ‘What kind of Allah is this that He has done such injustice to me!’ (Na’uzu Billah)

People actually use these kind of words, attributing their difficulties to Allah Ta’ala, accusing Him of injustice (Na’uzu Billah). …Yet who can be more just than Allah Ta’ala?

“Indeed, Allah does not do injustice, [even] as much as an atom's weight…”
[Surah Nisaa 4 : 40]

Such people only see the outside. They see what is on the surface. Their ignorance becomes apparent, and sometimes their arrogance becomes evident.
In English, there is a proverb: Ignorance is bliss. However, this statement is an ill-considered one. It may be bliss in this world, but when the veils of the Unseen are lifted, then ‘bliss’ comes to an end. Bliss is then replaced with distress.
And ignorance is no bliss for the Muslim if it leads him to sins, and if it leads him to such statements which can even throw him out of Islam, and land him in Jahannum.

And arrogance is such an evil which leads the person to believe that he is infallible; that nothing can ‘touch’ him – and when something does, then the nafs is provoked and he makes such statements. …As if we have some right to question Allah Ta’ala or criticise His Decisions.

Why? …Because there is no recognition of Allah Ta’ala; no knowledge and understanding of the system and the wisdom of Allah Ta’ala.

By Allah, this worldly life is not to be taken lightly – as if we are here to just while away our days and do as we like - and when things go wrong, then we get upset and angry because our boat which was sailing smoothly is suddenly hit by a storm. 

We should keep in mind that many a time, the sins that we have committed in our lives – which we do not even remember, let alone consider sins – are probably the cause for the museebat (difficulty). …And this is, indeed, a weakness: we easily forget our injustices.

Some great injustice could have been done upon some person. It could have been that many years ago, we were unjust to someone. The person may have been under our authority or may have been at our mercy, and we caused great hurt and great grief to the person. It could have been injustice to parents, or wife, or an employee, a student, a poor person, even a non-Muslim – we least realise that that injustice will catch up at some stage in life. 

Other sins, Allah Ta’ala forgives. The person makes Taubah from sins and Allah Ta’ala forgives. However, there are certain sins, where justice has to be meted out… unless the person asks those people for forgiveness here. If not, Allah Ta’ala punishes in this world. …Aakhirat is Aakhirat - but even in this lifetime, punishment descends very swiftly on injustice – whether it was injustice upon a Muslim or non-Muslim.

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA) has related that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) said: Three types of people’s Duas are not rejected:

1.) The fasting person when he breaks fast,
2.) The just ruler
3.) And the one who is oppressed.

Allah Ta’ala raises the Dua of the oppressed above the clouds and the doors of heaven are opened for it and Allah Ta’ala says, “By My Majesty and Honour! I will help and aid you, even though after few days.”

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