Chapter 35: Lemonade

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"Ana." Jimmy says as I finish feeding Gianni.
"Yeah?" I ask as I cradle my baby.
"I had a thought, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it." He pensively says.
"What is it?"
"There's a little girl who was dropped off at someone's doorstep." He slowly says.
"Jimmy." I sigh feeling myself about to cry.
"Baby, I know it won't change anything, but I was thinking of adopting her. She's beautiful, you'd love her baby." He says and I see his eyes turning red and watery. "She has no one, and I just, I think we can give her what she needs." He says.
"I don't know baby, it all seems like so much." I say wiping my tears away.
"Do you want to meet her?" He asks.
"Jimmy please, I just need some time." I beg as Gianni starts crying. I rock him gently until he stops.
The nurse comes to get him and we're alone. Jimmy climbs into bed with me and takes a nap.
This little girl, she's like me in a way, abandoned. We do have love to give I just I don't know if I'm being selfish but I wanted my little girl, the baby I kept in my womb. I turn to look at Jimmy peacefully asleep and I decide to get out of bed. A nurse outside puts me in a wheelchair and takes me up to the nursery.
"Which one is the one who was left at the doorstep?" I ask.
"That little one." She smiles pointing to a tiny baby in the incubator. One look and she has my heart.
"Can I see her?" I ask.
"Sure." The nurse smiles taking me inside with all the babies. "She needs a little love."
I hold her and it feels a little strange, I'm holding someone else's baby, but in a way I feel this great connection with her, it's natural.
"How would you like to come home with us?" I ask and at that moment she grips my finger. "How can we adopt her?" I ask as I look up at the nurse with tears in my eyes.

The nurse takes me down to legal who then brings in a social worker and I get to signing papers. They think Jimmy and I are perfect for her.
"What would you like to name her?" The social worker asks.
"Gia." I say. "Gia Garoppolo." I smile thinking about my new baby girl.
A nurse goes to get Jimmy who rushes in.
"Are you serious?" He breathlessly asks.
"Yes baby, my heart melted when I held her." I smile and he is quick to sign all the documents.

I stay in the hospital for two days before we're allowed to go home with the babies. They're small, but strong and strangely enough stop crying when they're next to each other.
Jimmy helps me get dressed and puts the babies in the car seats.

The drive home is eternal, or so it feels like it

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The drive home is eternal, or so it feels like it. When we pull into our driveway I can hear Jimmy sigh in relief.
"That was the most stressful thing I've had to do." He says making me laugh.
"It was the worst." I add as I too laugh.
We go inside and I'm surprise to see the whole house decorated and all our friends and family here.
They're quiet to not wake the babies and I hug all of them.
"They're so precious." Denise says as she reaches to grab Gianni. Mike holds Gia and the love they're showing her after knowing what happened makes me heart so full. Claire and George have their little baby too, Greg is just the cutest little thing, next to my children, of course.
George and Jimmy go grill and I sit with Denise and all the girls telling them everything that happened. They all cry with me, but they make me feel strong and loved.

When everyone is well fed and tired we're left alone with our babies. Jimmy helps me change the diapers and feed them, well I feed one at a time and he rocks the other one. Denise bought the cribs and I'm thankful we have the best family ever.
"Can we bring the cribs to our room?" Jimmy asks.
"Sure." I nod as I feed Gianni.
He moves the cribs easily and I sit in the bed since Gianni is still eating.
"Yeah that's definitely your kid." Jimmy smiles. "Always eating." He says making me laugh.
We put the babies to sleep before laying back down in our bed.
"What a couple days." Jimmy sighs bringing me close to his chest.
"It's been rough baby." I agree.
"My dad used to tell me something and I used to kind of think it was cheesy, but over the last couple hours the words have been ringing in my head."
"And what's that?" I ask looking up at him.
"When life gives you the sourest lemon it has to offer, you can turn it into something resembling lemonade." He sighs and tears spill down my face.
"We are making our lemonade baby, and I promise you I will make it as sweet as I possibly can for you, and for our little angels." I smile and reach up to kiss him.
"I love you more than anything in this world baby." I say as I hug him tightly.
"I love you too baby." He says resting his hand on my ass. "We'll get through this." He assures kissing my neck.
"We will." I agree.
I close my eyes and hear the babies crying, there's going to be a whole lot of that going on for a couple months.
"I'll get them." Jimmy says, but I stop him.
"You have an NFC west championship game to prep for, I'll get them." I say leaning in to kiss him before handing him some ear plugs from the nightstand. I go get the babies and decide to rock both of them until they're fast asleep again. It takes 25 minutes but it could have gone worse. I go back to bed and wake up every two hours to feed and change them, but I was expecting it.

The season is almost over, it's been one hell of a revenge tour, Jimmy has his mind set to getting us to another Super Bowl and I trust him to do it.

GoldenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora