Chapter 32: Baby

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It's now the end of my first trimester so I'm days away from being four months into my pregnancy and belly is HUGE for the months I have. I've been avoiding Jimmy's family as much as I can and I've been working from home with a fake severe flu. However it all ends today because we're having a family and friends reunion that will be my gender reveal party. Everything is set up and I can hear Jimmy greeting everyone. They ask for me and then he talks loudly. .
"It's taken us a while I know, but I finally hit the target and it is my greatest joy to announce that coming soon in January 2021." He says and I can hear everyone whisper to each other what the hell he was talking about. I come down the stairs in a tight dress and Denise and my grandma are on me in seconds.

"You're pregnant!" Everyone yells before giving me hugs

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"You're pregnant!" Everyone yells before giving me hugs.
"I am." I smile caressing my belly.
"Ana! This is amazing." Denise says already in tears.
"I feel so bad!" Claire says with a laugh as she rubs my belly. "Here I thought you gained weight from wedding stress and didn't want to hang out with me because I pointed it out."
"I was so nervous to always cancel on you." I say giving her a hug.
"Is this flu you said you had?" Maya asks, making me laugh.
"Yes ma'am." I say.
Everyone comes around to congratulate me and I'm so happy to see everyone's excitement.
We all eat and Denise has not stopped trying to get me to eat more.
"I'm going to explode." I sigh as I fight off her final offer.
"So is it a boy or girl?" Claire asks.
"Good question." Jimmy replies. "We don't know but we did get the doctor to find out and get us two confetti cannons." He adds bringing both of them out.
We stand in the middle of the room and everyone waits anxiously.
"3...2...1" we count down. I see pink come out of the cannon and when I turn I see his is blue. We look at each other both confused.
"Twins!" He confidently says and kisses me.
"Twins?" I repeat suddenly terrified. "No it's a mistake." I say and look for the note the doctor gave me. "Two is better than one!" I read outloud. Jimmy scoops me up spinning me around excitedly. "Twin!" I smile as he grips me tighter.
My grandma is over the moon with this and Denise won't stop crying.
After the frenzy died down a bit I stepped outside alone before being joined by Maya.
"What's wrong?" She asks.
"I wasn't expecting Twins." I sigh "this just got a whole lot more complicated." I say as she hugs me.
"You'll be fine, you have a whole village to help."
"I'm just scared that I might fuck up." I nervously say.
"How could you fuck it up?" She asks putting a hand on my bump. "You're going to be the best mom ever, I'm sure of it." She assures making me smile. I look down at the belly and feel a calm within me that makes me feel warm.
Denise takes a million pictures as does everyone else and I feel like my face is stuck in a permanent smile.

We say goodbye to everyone and then the house is quiet
"I can't believe we got twins." Jimmy smiles like a kid. "We made not one BUT TWO babies!" He says as we lay in bed.
"We did!" I say just as excited. "What are we thinking for names?" I ask.
"What did you have in mind?" He asks.
"Well for a boy I love Andrew and for a girl I've always loved Meredith." I say and can see the distaste in his face.
"I was thinking something more Mexican or Italian, you know add a little spice." He suggests.
"Like what?" I ask
"Giana and Gianni." He suggests.
"Ohhh that's cute!" I say.
"I've thought about this." He smiles proudly. "I've always had like little thoughts and stuff, but if you want you could name one and I'll name the other." He suggests.
"I love you." I say looking up at him. He looks down at me with a smile before kissing me. He rests his hand on my belly and we get a little quiet except for the television in the background.

"I always liked the name Mia." I say breaking the silence.
"It's a great name." He sleepily says.
"But we cant name our daughter that." I say.
"Why not?" He asks.
"Are you forgetting your little friend?" I ask and my mind goes back to that day.
"Ana." He sighs pulling me closer, but I turn to not face him. "Baby please." He begs switching sides of the bed so I'd look at him. "Don't do that." He asks.
"I'm tired." I say and turn away from again.
"Mi amor, please." He begs and I'm shocked that he said it in Spanish. "I made mistakes, but please don't hold them against me, and don't go to sleep angry when my babies are growing inside you." He says cuddling me.
"I'm sorry." I say immediately feeling bad. I turn around wrapping my arm around his waist holding him close.
"Hey." He gently calls. I pull away slightly and look up at him.
"What?" I ask.
"I love you."
"I love you more than anything." I reply reaching up to kiss his sweet lips. "Also." I say pulling inches away from his face.
"Hmmm?" He asks.
"Since when do you say things in Spanish?" I laugh.
"Since forever ago! I'm just shy around you." He shyly responds.
"Really?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "Say something."
"Te amo un chingo." He says literally making me laugh out loud.
"What does that mean?" I quiz.
"I love you a lot, a crazy amount." He smiles happily leaning in to kiss me again. "And that doesn't even add up to how much I actually love you." He says against my lips.

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