Chapter 34: Delivery

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"Mr. Garoppolo." I hear the doctor repeat himself. "You need to make a choice." He says.
"I-I-I don't know how you can't ask me to do that DO YOUR JOB AND SAVE THEM ALL!" I stuttered feeling frustrated. "We have a nursery ready for two babies, I haven't gotten the cribs but I'm gonna get them. Doctor we planned for two babies and were taking two babies home." I say.
"Jimmy calm down, please we need to know how to proceed." I feel sick, like I could throw up at any moment.
"Both of them." I say again.
"Mr. Garoppolo." The doctor begs. I take a deep breath and my hands are literally trembling.
"My wife, save my wife." I say and feel guilty.
The doctor runs back to the room leaving me in agony, did I just kill my kids? Did they have hope? What's Ana going to say? She's never going to want to see me again.

An hour and half pass by and I'm sitting in a chair hoping this nightmare ends.
"Mr. Garoppolo." The doctor says. I get up and face him.
"Ana is doing fantastic, her vitals are strong." He says. "You have a baby boy, he's strong." He says. "But we did lose the little girl." I stare down at the floor.
"I'm sorry, I'm trying to process." I finally say. "My wife?" I ask.
"Your wife is fine Jimmy, she's just resting right now." He assures me. "You have a strong beautiful baby boy. But we did lose the girl." He says. I nod at his words and my breathing trembles. I sit down and I feel like I can't think.
"I need to be with my wife." I say as I get up, but he puts a hand in my shoulder stopping me.
"She's resting right now Jimmy." I feel my chest tighten and I decide to sit down. He sits to keep me company and tells me things to try and distract me, but I can't listen.
"Would you like to meet your son?" He asks.
"Yes." I say following up to where the babies are kept.
I see little Gianni through the glass and I never knew I could feel instant love like this. I see him peacefully asleep in his incubator, completely new to the world.
"Which one is yours?" A man asks.
"That little guy right there." I say pointing to my new son.
"Congratulations." He smiles.
"Which one is yours?" I ask.
"None actually." He says. "Strangest damn thing someone left that baby girl at my doorstep." The old man says, "I don't think I can raise her, so I brought her here." He says pointing to a little girl also in an incubator. "Good luck." He man says before shaking my hand and leaving.
I stand there for what I assume is an eternity before the doctor says I could go wait for Ana.

She's asleep in her hospital bed. I turn the lights off and sit next to her. Part of me wants her to sleep for a couple more hours because I don't know how I'm going to tell her.
I hold her hand kissing the back of it.
She wakes up and squeezes my hand. I stand up and kiss her forehead gently.
"Hi." She smiles. "Y mis bebes?" She asks in Spanish as she scans the room.
"Baby, we lost our baby girl." I say looking down at her. She freezes before furrowing her eyebrows.
"No." She shakes her head. "No, no no." She says and begins to cry. "Jimmy no." She yells as she clutches my shirt in her hands tightly. "Not my baby please tell me you're lying." She begs as she shifts in the bed.
"I'm sorry baby." I say hugging her tightly.
"Not my baby." She cries. Hearing her cry this hard breaks my fucking heart. I don't know what to do other than cry with her.

A nurse comes in with our baby boy in her arms and Ana perks up.
"Someone wanted to say hi." She says getting closer to Ana. The baby fussed and I'm afraid it might overwhelm her.
She holds our son and he stops crying, she's so good with him already.
"Hi baby." She smiles looking down at him. "Gianni." She adds and the baby slowly opens his eyes and look up at her. I can tell he's falling in love too. "Welcome to the world little man." She whispers to him. "Wanna hold him?" She asks looking up at me. I nod immediately and sit down to be safe. She passes him over, he's so small. I smile down at him not believing this was all real. I have a baby, I'm a real dad now.
"Hey bud, you gave us a little scare." I say with a smile. "Were you scared too?" I ask as I gently caress his cheek making him reflex smile.
"We're going to be just fine." I whisper as I move to sit next to Ana. She looks up at me with red eyes, but I have a plan.
Authors note: I felt super guilty leaving you all hanging with the last chapter so here's a little update (:

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