Within my house I have gotten acquainted with the rest of my classmates and they are all extremely nice. We have already decided to get together once a week to do homework together. I have become closer to Padma Patil and Terry Boot, two of my classmates, and they have found out that I'm non-binary. They both happily accepted this fact.

The curriculum has changed, but I expected most of the changes. It made sense that Dark Arts class has been removed, as dark arts are 'evil', and the weapons class as weapons are 'uncivilised' and 'muggle things'. But they removed Etiquette, as well as Mind Arts, which I just don't understand.

I have enclosed a pouch for St Mongos, along with a letter for the Head Healer.


Head Healer of St Mongos,

I am happy to supply you with the recipe for the adapted calming draught. I am pleased that the potion worked and that it is extremely helpful for you. Enclosed in the pouch is the recipe, along with 10 phials already made.

For the recipe, only 3 or 4 galleons are needed as I simply want to help people. I also give you the phials for free for the same reason. If you would like any of the recipes for the potions I have provided, please let me know as I am happy to provide the recipes.


Alex left their room, heading to the owlery to send the letters to Remus, knowing he would send the message to St Mongos for them. They attached the letters to the closest owl, watching as the owl flew away.

Alex had just sat down for lunch when Padma and Terry arrived, followed by the rest of the first year Ravenclaws.

"Where have you been? You weren't in the common room?" Terry said as soon as he sat down opposite Alex. Alex finished their bite of food before answering.

"Exploring the castle. I figured that if I could find where all our classrooms are, I wouldn't have to worry about getting lost."

"That's smart. Would you be able to show us around after lunch?" Mandy asked. Alex nodded, happy to help.

They ate lunch in relative silence, before heading off for the tour. Alex led them around the corridors, showing them the fastest routes to each room. The tour complete, they all headed back to the common room.

"What is a magical animagus?" Rowena asked when Michael knocked on the door.

"Huh?" Lisa said, while Michael looked lost.

"Aren't all animagi magical? I mean, you have to be a witch or wizard to be an animagus?" Padma said.

"Actually, there are two types of animagi forms. There are magic and mundane animagi. Mundane animagi are the usual type, having the animagus form as a normal, everyday animal, a non-magical animal. A magical animagus is someone who's animagus form is that of a magical creature, or an animal with powers. They are rare and most people never meet someone with a magical animagus form," Alex said.

"Quite correct and well explained," Rowena said, allowing the door to open. Alex settled down in the same chair they had used that morning, while the others all sat down nearby.

"How did you know that?" Terry asked.

"Oh, I like to read quite a lot," they answered, before steering the conversation onto classes and such. All in all, it was a good conversation. They learnt a lot about their classmates, what subjects they liked and disliked, which ones their wands were good for, which ones they had prior knowledge in.

It wasn't long before dinner came and along with dinner came more letters. One addressed to Alex landed in front of them. They didn't recognise either the bird or the handwriting on the letter. They carefully opened it after letting their magic check for any spells on the letter.

Alex Potter,

You are required in the Headmasters Office at 7 o'clock tonight to discus matters. The password is lemon drops. Please be there on time.

There was no signature, no sign of who sent the message. But they had a good guess. It was either the headmaster or Lily.

Alex sighed as they thought over what could require them in the headmasters office. It would probably be about them existing, or the fact that they were in Ravenclaw. Oh well, guess I'll find out soon enough, they thought, trying to enjoy the rest of their dinner while simultaneously trying not to stress over the matter.

They made their way to the headmasters office at 6:55, hoping that the meeting would go well. They reached the gargoyle that had guarded the way to Merlin's room and simply placed their hand on the stone. They knew that the gargoyle would recognise them as the founders heirs and let them in, without them having to say the password. The gargoyle, as expected, moved aside and allowed them to climb onto the moving stairs, being carried to the office at the top.

They knocked upon reaching the door, pushing it open when a calm come in was called from inside the office. They walked in, withholding a groan at who was inside the office. Dumbledore, Lily, and Harry. Great.

"You wanted to see me Headmaster? I was unaware that our meeting wouldn't be private," they said, trying to keep their voice calm, neutral and polite. Just like Helga had taught them.

"Yes, thank you for coming dear. We simply wished to know who you are. It does no good to go parading around with a surname that doesn't belong to you. What is your real name?" Dumbledore asked. Alex didn't like the look in his eyes, the way that they twinkled, almost unnaturally.

"I don't understand why you want to know. The sorting hat would not have accepted me and sorted me if I were using the wrong name," Alex said calmly. Hopefully Dumbledore and the Potters wouldn't get on their nerves too much. If they did, Alex didn't know if they would be able to control their magic.

"Well, you must be lying. I know for a fact that I don't have a daughter," Lily Potter said. Her voice was tinged with anger.

"As I said, I am not using a different surname. My name is Alex Potter," they said again, gritting their teeth to stop from screaming. However, on the outside, their face remained blank and unemotional.

"You look nothing like James or I, and there are no other Potters," Lily said, looking them up and down.

"This can be simply resolved," Dumbledore said calmly. "Just tell us your real name. No one will hold it against you."

"My name is Alex Potter. I am heir Potter-Black." Alex held up their right hand to demonstrate this fact, allowing the crests of the Black family and Potter family to be seen by all. They were consciously keeping their magic in check; it was itching and straining to break free.

"I don't have a sister," Harry said, his voice full of contempt. "And those heirships are rightfully mine."

"You're correct, you don't have a sister. However, the heirships are mine, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to claim them four years ago. Now, if we are done discussing the legitimacy of my name, I have better places to be." Alex nodded to each of the people in the office before turning on their heel and leaving.

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