Chapter 6: The End

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Azura's POV:

As we run to battle something odd happens.

"Is that a portal?!" I shout.

"Ah!" Rain screams he can slow down in time and falls into the portal. I look on the ground, he dropped his weapons!

I sprint in after him to see the Ender dragon! I take two steps back out of fear but Rain doesn't seem to be afraid.

It looks like he looking for something as he dodges a blast of fire. The Queen of Ender Watchers teleports behind him and slashes at his back he quickly jumps out of the way and sees the 'Eye of Ender'Whatevere you doing?!" I shout "Get out of there!"

"Azura I know what I'm doing!" He shouts back.

He picks up the eye and all of the End freezes.

Including the Enderdragon, he walks up to the Enderdragon and calmly puts the eye in front of it.

"There you go. See I'm not here to hurt you." He says reassuringly as the dragon bows down to him.

Rain puts his hand on its snout and holds out some cooked meat "I was saving this for Abigail but I think you like meat if memory serves."

The dragon aacceptsssgratefully and picks up the eye and hands it to Rain who looks antivirus.

"I believe this means he trusts you." He tells Rain.

"And if Ender Crystal here trusts you so do, rise sharply come Dragon Tamer."

"Thank you but I dwell in the Overworld. Azura and I here need to get back and help the Army in battle." Rain explains to them.

"Ahh I see," Virussays then he opens a portal. "This will get you home."

"Thank you, Sir." He thanks the pets the Enderdragon on last time and runs up to me.

"Come on we need to help!" He exclaims.

We run through the portal and I immediately take flight Rain runs off into the heat of the battle.

Then everyone stops to look at the glitch effects in the sky we see the Enderdragon come from them! I look to the ground to see endermen and the Ender Watchers fighting with us.

"Yes!" Rain shouts when he sees the dragon flying around killing mobs "Come guys they're here to help!" He shouts to everyone and gets back to fighting we all get back to killing mobs. I shoot at Wither Angels.

Patrick is teleporting everywhere.

Rain is brutally attacking everything.

Stella is casting spells left and right.

Abigail is firing her bow at everything.

Daryl is shooting at the Nether Portal in case of futuremobo out!" I shout down.
Daryl throws me a magazine I just barely catch it. "Thank you!"

I switch my empty one for the new one Daryl threw. After the battle, I fly down alongside the Enderdragon.

We both landsdsdsblood-covered snow I run and hug Patrick happy for him to be alive.

"I didn't use all the bullets," I say as I throw the magazine back to Daryl.

"Thank you for the bullets by the way." I thank him.

"No problem." He says looking at the Enderdragon and Ender Watchers and Endermen.

"Who are they?" He asks Rain "You seem to know them."

Rain laughs. "They're our new alys. Frostboren, meet the Ender Watchers, and Ender Crystal who I shall call Ender for short."

"Ender Crystal?" Sire asks him.

Cries laugh "Your friend's new dragon."

"Dragon?!" Everyone expects me and Rain shouts in question.

"Droplet what did I miss?" Abigail asks.

"Nothing I promise I'll tell you all everything." Rain makes a lot of promises and always keeps them.

Not once has he made a promise he couldn't keep? I always wondered what went on in his head.

Determination? Sorrow? Confusion? Whatever it was he never seemed to lose hope in whatever he did.

Whenever we lost hope he would comfort us and tell us we would make it how he wouldn't let them hurt us.

And he didn't, no one knew why mabey Abigail did he did trust her more than any of us he still checks his food before he eats.

"Abigail, can you come with me?" I ask.

"Sure!" Abigail had always seemed bright and happy especially when Rain was around she walks off with me and Rain starts explaining what happened.

"If there any reason he cares more for us than himself?" She gasped when I ask that.

"Well once his first girlfriend Becky was shot with an arrow and he couldn't save her..." She tells me. "Since then he could let himself do that again."

"Oh hm, I'll tell Sire that thank you," I tell her and we walk over to hear the rest of the story.

After the story, the Enders go home and then we go home. At the base...

To be continued

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