Chapter 5: The Calm

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Rains POV:

The wars have been going on for 3 years but for a while, things have been fairly normal. Its night when I'm called to Sires office

"Yes sir?" I ask as I walk in and
sit down.

"Rain I understand you know the many dangers of this realm." He says to me as Azura walks out and closes the door. "But you seem to care more for us than yourself. Is there any particular reason for this?" He asks

"I just hate seeing people I care about hurt I-I just can't stand it." I say while slamming my fist on my leg "Gah!" I shout in pain as I hold my leg the throbbing sensation creeping up my leg to my waist next to my arms but its stops there.

Sire slides a healing potion across the table. I drink it and the pain subsides.

"You see this is what I mean! Your more than willing to hurt yourself if it means we don't have a scratch on us!" He exclaims.

"And that's a bad thing?" I ask curiously.

"Not necessarily it's just that Rain this is we're gonna get hurt but you can't keep taking blasts for us!" He explains. "Rain we have two amazing healers Stella with her magic and Azura with just about anything else. Do you see what I'm getting at?" He asks me.

"Yes, sir I believe I do,"   tell him. He dismisses me and I walk out of the room. I go for a walk around the base and see some humans! Survivors! I run over to them immediately.

"Hello?" I hold out my hand to help them up

"W-What happened?" Said a girl with dark green hair and ocean blue eyes.

"I don't know what do you think happened?" I ask I look behind me and see a creeper.

"Stay behind me!" I say as I draw my swords and charge at the green monster its starts to turns white just as I slash my sword across its chest and kick it into the wall.

The creeper runs at me full speed and I wait, just when it gets to me I drive my swords into its head and use my leg to shove it to the ground I look back at the survivors to see them looking at me in awe. I walk over to them.

"Oh, cmon don't tell me you've never seen a fight before?" I ask them. They shake their heads no.

"Oh well, my name Rain you?" I tell them my name seeing as they haven't even looked at me with any sort of hostility.

"Clay." Says what looks to be an adult with chocolate brown hair dark brown skin and all-black clothing all of them have all black clothing.

"Tsunami." Says a teenage girl with dark blue hair and ocean blue eyes.

"Sunny!" Says another girl with dusty blonde hair and swamp green eyes.

"Starlight." Says another adult Male with jet black hair and neon purple eyes.

"Glory." Says a girl with a stern tone she had jade green hair and bright blue eyes.

Huh, they have interesting names but I'm sure that doesn't mean anything just then I hear a female voice behind me.

"Rain!" Abigail shrieks as she runs towards me. There you are cmon it's our turn to make dinner.

"Oh right, my bad forgot." I look back at them. "Why don't you join us?" I offer. Clay's face instantly lights up with hope.

"For food?" He asks me.

I laugh a little for the first time in years. "Yeah for food come on," I tell him. "Wait, Abigail! Do we even have any meat?" I question.

"I don't believe we do but aren't you vegan?" As she speaks Glory's face goes from stern to hopeful.

"Vegan?" Glory asks.

"Yeah, yeah don't judge me," I tell her
"Cmon let's go hunt," I say as I gesture towards the gate.

"Good idea!" She agrees.

"Can we come?" Sunny asks.

"Sure if you want," Abigail tells her.
A few hours later we killed a chicken, a cow, and a sheep.

"Thanks for the help but now we have to you know cook it," I explain.

About 30 minutes later I and Abigail got the food ready and set the table.
"Dinner!" I shout out as Abigail lights the last candle.

Instantly we hear footsteps. At dinner, I found Glory is vegan too.
We talk for a few hours and dinner ends.

"Daryl it's-." Sires's sentence is cut off by the sound of war cries.

Everyone instantly gets up and draws their weapons.

       As I wrote this I realized how long it was getting I apologize but I have to end it here.     -Rainimator_Abigail

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