"I'm sorry."

"No, I can tell that you knew what was going to happen." I say, my words tumbling out so fast it's all slurred together. "Tell me why."

There's a pause.

"Because I know you meant well." He says, voice soft and vulnerable. His fingers wrap around my wrist, touch pleading.

"Don't be mad, please."

"You should be the one who's mad at me." I mumble under my breath, before I cross my arms firmly together.

"And I'm sleeping with you from now on."

He looks up at me in surprise, and he sits up way too quickly. His features twist into a pained wince as his damaged skin sting against the sheets.

"You can't do that, Lina."

I really try not to show it, but a look of hurt appears on my face. He's avoiding my eyes, and my voice can't help but have an edge.

"You don't like me?"

"No!" Jungkook shouts, his brown eyes wide and urgent. "That's not what I meant."

He swallows, looking down at himself.

"I'm too disgusting."

I laugh, more relieved. Was that really the only reason he didn't want me to be with him at night? Gosh— I was so worried that he'd finally gotten tired of
me or something.

"Just because of your eczema?" I say lightly, messing his hair. "It's not disgusting, Jungkook. I don't care."

"You really don't think..." His voice trails off, eyes wide. Then realizing he must be cold— I quickly find another shirt and hand it to him.

"No." I say firmly. "Wait here, okay?"

Then hopping off the bed, I run back into my room and grab the fluffy pillow off the mattress. With it tucked tightly under one arm, I dash back to his room and tackle him down.

I burst into laughter.

"I'm sorry." I giggle, wrapping an arm around his warm shoulder. He's smiling a sort of a stunned- but-pleasant smile. "Did that hurt?"

"Not really."

So I hug him tighter, just wanting to swallow him whole. But obviously he's twice my size, so I shift my arm to his neck.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this."

There's a pause, and I blush freely in the dark when I feel him pull me closer. His breath is hot against my ear, making a shiver travel all the way down my spine.

"It's okay now that you're here with me."



She's fallen asleep.

My skin burns with pain, but it just feels like less when I focus on her hand in mine. It feels more bearable now— so much than before.

That night, I'd been planning to take my own life.

Even though I didn't have problems financially, I just didn't see point in life anymore. I'd been skipping school already for a month, just not wanting to be around people.

And they all hated me.

But then I'd found her. And ever since I'd woken up with tears in my eyes and my body on fire, with her hands clamped tightly on my wrists—

I'd loved her.

And I was just falling deeper.



"Jungkook, wake up." I say, seeing his flushed face. He's asleep and breathing softly, but his cheeks are so red with heat.

I let the window slightly open, letting in some cool air outside.

Calling him, I tug away his hand roaming against his forearm. He's scratching again unconsciously— features tight.

When I touch his cheeks carefully, it feels so warm compared to mine.

I had to cool him down.

"Hey." I keep repeating, until he finally snaps awake from his shallow sleep. He looks up at me, doe eyes wide and brown.


I smile, wrapping my hand around his wrist. "Come here. Let's get you cooled down a bit, okay? It won't take long, I promise."

"Okay." He nods, lifting himself carefully from the mattress and following me to the bathroom. I turn on the cold water, and tap at his wrists.

"Run the water over your wrists. It'll help bring down temperature."

He blinks, nodding again. His face scrunches a bit when he feels the coldness of the water, the scrunch turning to a wince at the pain from his ravaged skin.

It hurts to watch him try to hide it all.

His face is way more cooler and paler by the time I hand him a towel. He smiles at me, features looking so much more relaxed than before.

"Thank you."

Then my face heats when he touches my face, brown eyes innocent. But his hand lingers, before he steps back with a forced smile.

He bites his lip and starts chewing on it, and I can practically read his mind.

I shouldn't have done that.

"Stop worrying." I laugh. Resting a hand on his shoulder, I get on my tiptoes to press my lips against his. When I break away, he looks stunned and red.

Too precious.

"You can kiss me any time you'd like."


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