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(Naruto's Sharigan is half red half blue because he is a mix breed. Naruto's Mangekyou will eliminate his Tomoe's from his eyes and have a blue heart surrounding his black pupil.)

"So me and Itachi both have Eternal Mangekyou Sharigan, you remember how we switched eyes before the academy?" Naruto nodded his head.

"You'll be able to get it naturally thanks to your Namikaze gene." Naruto sighed.

"Why is the training so brutal, I wish I didn't activate my eyes at all." Naruto said with a groan, as he had to use his Sharigan for everything.

The point of advancing the eyes, is to use it as much to develop it. The eye was weak, the weakest thing about Naruto right now. Naruto was the heir to the foxes, master of Kenjutsu, Medical Ninjustu, Fuinjutsu, Sage, Fire Ninjutsu, Genjutsu Wind Ninjutsu, and Taijutsu. Naruto reeks of dominance when he steps on the field. However his brother was adept in something he just awakened.

Kenjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Sage, Fire Ninjutsu, Lightning Ninjutsu, Taijutsu. Yet he had advanced the Sharigan as far as it could go, Sasuke really didn't like the idea of being overshadowed by his younger siblings.

Yet Shikamaru wouldn't be shadowed by the Uchiha's either. Taijutsu, Fuinjutsu, Sage, Taijutsu, Earth Ninjustu, Water Ninjutsu, even Genjutsu along with his Clans Ninjutsu.

Sasuke chuckled as he continued throwing weapons at Naruto watching as he kept dodging, but not as fast as he could without his Sharigan activated which was weird.

"How are you better without the Sharigan?" Naruto huffed and shrugged.

"I needed to be because I didn't have my eyes, I can't believe these eyes process things so slow, aren't I supposed to see faster?" Sasuke hummed.

"Okay, I'll throw these weapons full speed, so look as if your Sharigan isn't active like you are practicing with Kurama." Naruto sighed and nodded, closing his eyes, continuing the flow of chakra to his eyes.

It was taking a lot of energy to keep his eyes, not so much chakra, since Naruto had so much chakra, it was a pain to constantly channel chakra to his eyes constantly while continuing the flow to the rest of his body. Having a Doujutsu, really made Naruto upset.

"Sure." Naruto said opening his eyes, as Sasuke chuckled. Standing by the sliding door was Shikamaru. Shikamaru folded his arms and watched with soft eyes, he was so grateful that Naruto gained his eyes, he hoped that the clan would leave him alone but if he didn't, him and Naruto could marry, they were adults now.

"You must really like her." Shikamaru looked down and saw the child, his name was Inari. Shikamaru gave the little boy a smile.

"I do, that's my boyfriend. He's really one of a kind." Shikamaru said watching as the child tilted his head.

"That isn't a girl?" Inari asked pointing at Naruto. Naruto seemed to finally get a hang of dodging at his regular speed, Shikamaru chuckled a little.

"He is a boy, but doesn't he look like an angel?" Shikamaru asked and Inari chuckled.

"Yeah a fallen angel." Shikamaru shrugged and watched as the duo moved faster, They seemed to be moving lighting fast to Inari but Shikamaru could see the growth in a little under a month. They were almost done completing the bridge, the bridge would be done in a mere three days.

"That's true too." Shikamaru answers as Sasuke was heard.

"That's it Naruto, care to go faster?" Naruto chuckled.

"You sadistic twin, i pity your wife." Naruto said and Sasuke chuckled picking up his speed.

"My wife would either be as sadistic as me, or a total masochist." Naruto chuckled while Inari spoke.

"They don't look like twins, siblings maybe." Shikamaru sighed.

"They are twins, but they had different fathers, so they look similar, but you can sense their powers right?" Inari nodded, while Shikamaru smiled.

"Who do you think is the stronger twin." Inari looked between the two, it seemed the taller and huskier male was giving out more power.

"Him, black hair to his shoulders." Shikamaru smiled.

"You would be wrong. Naruto is, and that's because he isn't excluding that much chakra, but he still able to hold his own against him." Inari marveled at them both.

"Ready to go all out?" Sasuke said pulling a sword and taking after Naruto, Naruto scoffed and pulled his sword to meet Sasuke's, Sasuke eyes were activated, and Naruto sighed.

"Look, you've already developed another Tomoe." Sasuke said staring at a three Tomoe Sharigan, it helped that when Naruto gained the eye, he gained it at the intermediate level and not the beginning level.

"Jesus, this training could kill me." Naruto said as him and Sasuke's swords was the only thing that could be heard, even from the bridge as Asuma and Tazuna continue building the bridge.

"Must be those Genin again." Tazuna said and Asuma lit a cigarette and nodded.

"Their power is covering the entire wave, civilians aren't in tune with their chakra like ninja's are.

"You'll be fine, you're a medic right?" Sasuke said and Naruto laughed. Naruto had never been so light and free, he didn't know having the weight of being kicked from the clan was so great.

"He look so happy." Inari said mesmerized by the flowing onyx hair, and when the sun shined a certain way, the blue in his Sharigan illuminated. He held a smile as him and Sasuke went at each other with a full speed, and power, the leafs on the tree's were thrashing wildly flowing from the constant wind flowing through the Backyard.

"This is the happiest he's been, Naruto faced a lot of hardships, but he finally gets to be free, and he isn't being questioned." Shikamaru said and Naruto hummed.

"Shikamaru you better not be talking about me!" Naruto said mid battle, but his voice sounded a lot happier, there was no hardness, and it was actually quite beautiful when he wasn't keeping a front up anymore.

"I'm telling Inari how beautiful you are." Shikamaru said dodging a Kunai that came flying towards him, Inari looked confused but Shikamaru chuckled.

"My ears are sharp honey." Naruto said and Shikamaru smiled.

"You called me honey." Naruto scoffed and continued focusing on Sasuke. Inari look on in wonder.

"You three are cool, I didn't know this is what ninja's do you be good." Shikamaru shook his head.

"This is what Ninja's do to be excellent." Naruto and Sasuke stopped panting, Sasuke held him Mangekyou Sharigan activated, Purple was oozing from him when Naruto lifted his head, his eye was was red, devoid of any Tomoe's. However surrounding his black pupil, was a blue heart, the same color of his blue eyes, Naruto was oozing blue chakra the not the normal color blue but a deep oceanic blue.

"Why are they glowing?" Shikamaru was quiet as he watched as Sasuke gave a smile. Naruto truly was a prodigy, to unlock and master his Sharigan in a mere month while it took Sasuke a year and Itachi six months.

"Congratulations, You've unlocked your Mangekyo Sharigan in a mere month Naruto." Naruto chuckled, and he went to close his eyes and he thought he was hitting the ground but Inari's eyes widened when he saw Shikamaru who stood next to him catching Naruto. Naruto opened his eyes and Shikamaru saw those eyes.

"Want to sleep? You and Sasuke have been sparring for hours." Naruto nodded, while Shikamaru smiled.

"Might wanna cut the flow of chakra from your eyes." Naruto sighed and his chakra seized, he went through a lot to change his eyes in a mere month.

"You were perfect, I'm proud of you." Shikamaru said as Sasuke walked up next to Shikamaru, picking Inari up as Naruto mumbled.

"Thank you." Naruto opened his eyes and pecked Shikamaru on his lip before snuggling into his chest and dozing off.


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