Chapter 10-Crush or Just a Game?

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Josh’s P.O.V

We were walking towards the arcade and Bella’s eyes were filled with excitement. When we were about 50m away from the arcade, she began to run to the entrance in enthusiasm. She began to run quickly as if she's never been to an arcade before, I feel like I'm filling a major part of her life so one day she can look back and think, I remember when I first went to the arcade, it was with Josh or something along those lines.

When we arrived at the counter, I bought us 50 dollars worth of tokens and said that I was going to take this one. As soon as we received our tokens, Bella frantically jumped up and down and pointed at every game. She decided to let me choose and so I first chose to do car racing.

“How do you control this?” she called while she was struggling to get out of the corner of the course in the game. I laughed and then she elbowed me. By the time she got out, the game ended.

“I won!” I teased.

“No, that didn’t count, you have to teach me how to steer this properly,” she whined. As she tried again, I grabbed her wheel and helped her steer from the back. During the game, I accidentally touched her hand and at that moment I knew it was true, I liked her. I know it sounds stupid, touching someone doesn't mean they automatically become your crush but I've been confused about my feelings for quite a period of time and now this has led me to feel something amazing, something miraculous, possibly a crush.

“I’m sorry!” I apologised and quickly let go.

“It’s okay,” she laughed as she continued to play. I stared down on her and had a feeling of ease. There's just something about her.

Bella’s P.O.V

As Josh touched my hand, a feeling of adrenaline ran through me. He’s been really sweet all day, and I don’t want him to. I might sound weird but that’s not what I clearly mean. I want a guy to treat me nicely but just not a guy I’ve only met once. I’m scared, I’m scared of relationships and the ups and downs it may bring and I don’t want to have a crush on both Cody and his best friend and having to miss one while I’m with the other. I have to act casual around both.

After we finished racing, I decided to choose a less practical activity and selected the claw game.

I dragged Josh along towards to claw game and proudly stated “If I can catch a prize then you’ll treat me to a drink but if you catch one then I’ll treat you to one.”

He gave a smirk and replied “Alright, you’re on!”I tried for my luck so I could win a prize and treat him to something to make for part of the 50 dollars...and so I can also get the toy. I couldn’t get it.

“It’s my turn,” Josh remarked as he rubbed his hands together. I gave a sarcastic scoff and stepped aside.

Josh’s P.O.V

This is my chance, if I get her this then we can really build on something. My heart began to beat really fast and my brain began to quickly think. Not about the game but how I felt. I’ve only met Bella for 2 days, this being the second, is this really love or just a friendship admiration?

“Josh, are you okay? You’ve only got 5 seconds left before the claw automatically grabs a prize,” Bella reminded as I stared blankly at the glass. It was too late. The claw went down and the only thing I could do was wish for the best. It got it. THE CLAW GOT THE PRIZE.

“OMG, JOSH, YOU GOT IT!” Bella yelled as she constantly bounced up and down. I gave a little blush. She then bent and got the prize from the machine, hugged it and handed it to me.

“It’s yours, to remember today,” I insisted and gave it to her.

“But we made a bet, I can’t just take it,” she argued stubbornly.

“Okay, so this is mine, and now I decide to give it to you, happy Little Ms Generous?” I joked. She gave me a mini slap on the shoulder that didn't hurt at all, it even felt good.

By the time we finished all the coins, it was already 5 o’clock. I decided to walk her home just so  it would be safer.

“So when are you guy going back to L.A?” she asked with her hands in her pockets.

“Well, we’re leaving in about 2 weeks, why’d you ask?” I answered and then questioned.

You know that after this we won’t be able to see each other anymore right?” she muttered and kicked rocks across the ground. She was right, I’ve never come to the realisation of this, I needed to figure out if my decisions were right and fast. I didn’t know what to say to that but I managed to think of something.

“The future is the future and if we try, we can always be friends under any circumstances. We should just think about the present right now and make most of the time we have,” I responded, trying to ease her mind but create more problems in mine. When we reached her house, she gave me a wave and then walked into the house. As I was about to walk away

“Oh, by the way, thanks, I had a lot of fun today. Bye Josh,” she remembered to say.

I couldn’t help but smile, “Bye Bella,” I repeated. I then turned around and decided to think about my plan for relationships as I walked home. Was Bella going to be the one?

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