The Unknown Teen

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Cold, windy and dark... Most of the people, already sleeping inside of their deepest dreams.

So actually a night as usual in the US.

Brooklyn 1998, a street in the middle of the city just out of nowhere, a woman appeared out of the darkness.

Seems like, she is running from someone or something and just seconds after, 3 big and tall men were trying to chase her down the dark streets.

As fast as they could, they tried to catch up on her, but it was not quite easy, she seemed quite athletic and were pretty fast, but as a smoker, she knew that she would have to stop soon.

The streets were all empty...

help? No, there was no one to see, who could have stopped these men from chasing her down.

Left, right, going straight or trying to run back..

Every decision would have had only one *END*.

However, after all, she decided to turn right with a bit of hope, to meet people, an officer or even a police department.

However, because she was new in town, hope was the only things that has been given to her.

and sadly...


In just a second, her hope dropped pretty quickly from 100 to 0.

She was getting slower and slower but still did not stop walking towards the wall, that was preventing her from might getting away.

all 3 men stopped as well, they knew that this chase was already over and decided to walk calmly and slow towards her

,,there will be no one to help you and no way to get out, so just come over here!'' did the second men say to her

she whispered : ,,Silence, so unusual but still very familiar.. is this how we going to end? Mom, Dad, what have I done to deserve this?"

Tears broke out, and the sadness was stronger to be recognized than the willing to kill innocent people, that came from 3 strong and tall men right behind her back.

She started to cried: „I don't want to die.. before you both left, I promised you something.. that I am.. that I am going to.."

only a matter of seconds, until the breath of the first man, would have come in touch with the woman's back.


but just at the same time...

she felt a strong wind, pushing her once and nearly blow her down on the ground and suddenly it all became silent.

No footsteps, or voices, just --- nothing.

she began to open her eyes back up, which she was closing moments after she stopped walking to the wall.

-is it.. over? Am I.. dead now?-

Confused but also scared, she took a look around until she was shocked as she noticed, that all the 3 men's were dead.

The bodies were stacked on each other like inside a slaughterhouse.

All full painted with blood and one of there faces was so smashed up, it looked like somebody punched him in the face with a fist that could have had weighed over 3000 pounds and with a movement-speed of a pistole

The way their bodies looked like, anyone could have immediately tell that they would never see the sunlight again.

-who the hell is this person right there?-

But the most important question at that moment was obviously, who in the hell is that guy right behind their bodies and where the hell did he came from out of the sudden?

Moving, speaking? Nothing came out of him.

The way he stood there - creepy and scary, even tho fact is, he is quite far away from her.

out of nothing, she began to feel very strong headaches, while looking towards him.

-The pain is so strong but weird at the same time, why out of nothing just now and so strong??-

It seems to be a guy, young-looking from behind, probably around 18, he seemed dressed quite normally but had a cape on as well. The cape itself whirled around a little strong in the wind, but still in the way, that it was clearly readable, what was written on the cape.

A latter: -,D' what is the meaning of this letter?- she was asking herself

Endless pain, trembling and full of fear, she still tried to walk up to that guy.

But it won't be for long, because of every step she made he also went forwards so that they would be keeping the distance as it is.

„Please, my name is Maja.. tell me what your name is and why did you do that..? I will not do anything to you, and neither do I tell anybody" Did she said with a weak voice

no response*

she screamed: ,,you came here to safe me?! so please, at least bring it up until the end and tell me who you are..!"

The boy: „a lot, still there is a lot for you to live for. Dreams and wishes should be available for you, as long as you don't hurt anybody! You and neither she wouldn't deserve all this. Goodbye, Maja!"

Immediately at the same second on, this mysterious person vanished.

He came out of nothing, and he even left with no sign that this was real, but on the other hand, the dead bodies showed, that there is no fake at all.

It's like somebody would turn off a flashlight, it's immediately gone without any sound or anything else left behind.

he was gone and so on the headaches as well.

-How the hell did he know about us..? this... just can't be real!!-

However, as time goes on, she made the decision to get out of there as quick as possible and went to the next bus station, just a few streets away from the crime scene.

Still shocked, confused and half-broken, she stood at the bus stop hoping that the bus will arrive as quickly as possible and that she would forget about everything that just happened.

Continue crying and swimming in tears, she could not stop thinking about all of it, especially him and even started to bleed out of her nose for some reason, she could not tell

-was he even a human? what if that was me and the rest was just an imagination?-

it is almost midnight, and there it is the night bus.

Slowly she walked up towards the bus. The doors were opening for her to let her in, but before she took a step inside the bus, quietly she said ,,yes, I will take care of her... and I'm gonna protect her with everything I have, forever!''

and so on, the bus left and a new day is starting to rise...

''Good luck, Maja!''

1998.05.23 - 1998.05.24

New York, Brooklyn.

11:59 pm

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2020 ⏰

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