27. Better than Prom (part II)

Start from the beginning

As a young teenager, Damien had made the mistake of vocally wondering why his father kept a hotel suite at a hotel in mid-town, miles away from the Manor, and a considerable distance from his usual office.

His mother had given him a grave look, one that Damien had not seen before or since, and the subject was dropped never to be brought up again.

He was fairly certain his father wasn't having an affair (or at least, he hoped as much), though it was clear that if he was, the less Damien knew, the better.

He supposed it was fairly plausible that his father did keep the room purely for business purposes. Though he had been trained in the business side of his father's company, there was a great deal Damien still didn't understand. There was still quite a bit that was shrouded in mystery.

He was always away on business, so much so, that as a young child Damien had taken to convincing people that his father was some sort of secret agent.

"How exactly did you manage to book us a hotel room in mid-town on literally no notice?" Oliver asked as they sat in the back of the cab. "At one of the most prestigious hotels in Manhattan no less."

Damien eyed him then, "You have your ways, I have mine," he replied rather cryptically.

Oliver raised an eyebrow at that but didn't argue. It wasn't that he was worried that Oliver would judge his father, it was more that, he didn't really want to talk about it at present. Fortunately for Damien, Oliver didn't press the issue. "The point is we have it, so we can spend the entire weekend there if we like."

"Oh?" Oliver grinned. "A whole weekend you say?"

Damien chuckled, blushing slightly as he caught the driver's eye in the rear-view mirror. He didn't look particularly amused at their antics, and Damien frowned, wishing he had thought to call one of his father's drivers instead.

Fortunately, the cab pulled up to the hotel rather quickly and without incident, and Damien leaped out, handing the driver his fare and a sizeable tip. Seconds later, the cab tore away from the hotel as fast as it could. Damien sighed.

"What was that about?" Oliver asked.

Damien shook his head, as the two made their way into the hotel. Yet another thing he didn't especially want to talk about, not now, anyway. He reached the check-in desk and pulled out his driver's license. "Hi there, my family has a standing suite here and I was hoping to use it for the weekend," he said handing her his license.

The woman looked down at his license, then up at him, and over at Oliver then down again, with a forced sort of smile. "Okay," she said. "I'll just have to go check this over with my manager," and with that, she vanished from view. Damien sighed, he was starting to get a headache.

"Is it always like this?" Oliver asked, leaning against the counter with him.

Damien snorted, "Well, two young men checking into a hotel, one who looks considerably younger than they are, and one who looks considerably older than he is, probably raises some eyebrows. Even in Manhattan."

Oliver chuckled, "Ah."

Damien sighed, shaking his head. "I've been dealing with it my whole life. Especially when being more effeminate than I would like to admit."

Oliver frowned at that, "I'm sorry," he said.

"Why? I'm not. For the first time in my life, I can actually be who I am. I've known I was gay since I was seven years old, but I also knew that it wasn't okay to say that then. I observed what was expected of me, and did that. Don't get me wrong, I loved lacrosse, but if I'd had my way I would have much preferred being a cheerleader."

Oliver smirked, "Well now I can't get the image of you in a cheerleading outfit out of my head."

Damien chuckled, "I'll ask Maddie if I can borrow hers shall I?" Just then, the woman returned, handing Damien back his license.

"Everything seems to be in order," she said coolly.

Damien smiled, "Thank you so much," he said as she handed over the room key, he took it before she could say another word, and turned making his way towards the elevator. It was then, as they were halfway towards it, he felt Oliver's hand on his ass. Damien smirked, and the two stepped onto the elevator.

"Were you serious about asking Maddie for her uniform?" Oliver asked, a little more excitedly than Damien had expected.

"I seriously doubt she'd give it to me," Damien replied. "But why not."

Oliver grinned, "That's so hot," he said pinning Damien against the elevator wall. Damien gasped, their room was on the second-highest floor. Oliver trailed kisses down his throat, it was all Damien could do not to moan. This is way better than prom, he thought, arching into Oliver's embrace. 


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