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In a place far away, a place where strange creatures weren't yet known and ancient knowledge was often lost to foolishness, roosted a quiet and isolated place within the reeds. This was the fen that hugged the Placid River, which ran North West and into the mountains. A certain kind of dragon lived here that was not yet known to man. These would later be known as Lustrous Dragons.

The dwelling places of man and his servants were many places and growing fast but had not reached this place; for the earth had still been young.

Man had made many servants of many creatures. Yet there was one of all the rest that man could never hope to tame, although he could perhaps ask himself if he had a chance of defeating within the bloody wars of battle. These were the dragons.

These creatures were so large and terrifying that only the true fools of those called man sought to intimidate them. But man always thinks himself higher than he is, and so there was no creature that man would not stand against. And no power in all the world could bring them to their knees.

But there was Leviathan. Huge, snake-like, black and creeping beneath turmoiled waves with a flashing lightning gaze. Little was known about this creature except that no one could ever hope to stand in his presence.

Leviathan; the greatest of the great and slithering amongst the coral of the Great Sea. The Dragon of dragons. Lightning flashed from his mouth and his eyes ran in electric circuits down to his very veins. Hefty spikes lined his spine and flabs of skin ran between them like grand bridges that went on for miles. His scales were so knitted together that surely nothing could break through his obsidian scales, except the terrifying electric circuits that writhed from his mouth.

Out of all the creatures man hoped to conquer, this one could not be matched. Nor could Behemoth, its distant, yet vegetarian cousin.

Man wrote poems trying to describe Leviathan because none could find the words to describe his ferocity, or his great power. There was no foe of Leviathan, nor a creature where heat and smoke wound so high from his lips that it found its way into the clouds from a single shuddering breath. Nothing and no one could confront him and not be torn to pieces.

And yet against everything he HAD been. Leviathan's mighty head had been brought down low beneath one even more powerful. This Being had taken down Leviathan in one foul swoop. Had merely blinked and Leviathan had fallen, dead, at his feet, slain and writhing and breathing death no longer.

But man, as thick as he is, did not know his own hero. Fearful they fled, and did not return to worship him, as a hero should be worshipped, but instead forgot that Leviathan had even existed.

But there was a prophecy that had been jotted down of deepest ink.

That Leviathan would return one day, and once again install terror into the hearts of man.

Curse of the Stars Book 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin