"I'm sorry. If you just let me explain-" Cisco started to say.

"You know how I feel about weapons, Cisco. They do not belong in S.T.A.R.Labs. Now, you are gonna figure out a way to locate this gun, and you are gonna do it right now," Wells said before he turned around and wheeled out. Then Kara & Caitlin walked in, with concerned expressions.

"This thing you built, what can it do?" Kara asked.

"Bad stuff," Cisco said, before looking at the girls with fear in his eyes.


Joe was walking down a hallway with a staff member of the museum. "You said to call if there was anything suspicious. This guy went through the tour twice. Nobody does that," he said, then they looked over everyone from upstairs and Joe saw Snart. He immedidately picked up his radio and called in. "This is Detective West. I have a visual on Leonard Snart at the museum. Requesting immediate back up," Joe commanded.


The alarms in the lab started to blare and then Kara, Caitlin & Cisco ran to the cortex to find Barry was already looking at the computers. "What is it?" Kara asked Barry.

"Snart is spotted at the museum," Barry said and Kara sternly looked at the monitors.

"On it," she said before she zoomed out, with her clothes floating down from the air, to the ground. Barry closed his eyes in annoyance before he quickly grabbed her clothes and set them on the counter.

"She always does that?" Caitlin asked. "Yep," Barry said before he zoomed into his suit and ran off.

Streets of Central City

Snart was quickly walking down the street as Joe was trying to catch up with him. "Snart!" Joe yelled and right there, a police car was zooming towards them but Snart used his ice gun to ice the street. The police car started to slide down the street, right towards Joe. But then Supergirl forcfully landed, in front of Joe, and stopped the car. She looked at him with a stern expression.

"Are you okay?" she asked as Snart ran into a movie theatre.

"He's getting away! Come on!" he yelled and then they both started to run inside. They ran through the theatre trying find Snart but couldn't.

Right when they weren't looking, Snart shot his ice gun at Joe but Kara stood in front him, taking the hit. This was when Barry finally ran in, but to find his girlfriend get shot by a ice gun, which made her roll to the ground. She winced in pain, from the shot. Barry zoomed over to her and bent down to her level. "Are you okay?" he asked, with worry in her eyes.

"It burns," she winced.

"Okay, okay. Just stay here. Okay?" he told her.

"But-" she started to say.

"Partner, stay here," he said, and then looked around, to find Snart, but he shot him with the gold gun, which made him crash into a wall.

"Blur!" Kara exclaimed as he winced in pain, as it also burned. Snart then tried to shoot Barry again but he zoomed off.

Kara crawled down on the ground to look at Snart, to see him, looking around the theatre. "Time for a test run," he said before he shot at a pillar, that almost got Barry. "Let's see how fast you are," he continued as he shot at a couple but Barry grabbed them just in time. It was taking too much of his energy to run everywhere so he stopped, right next to Kara. They then noticed a worker coming out of a theatre, but Snart also saw them.

"No!" Kara exclaimed as she tried to get up but could barely do it. Then, Snart pulled the trigger on the man and Barry immediately started to run after him. "Blur!" Kara exclaimed in fear. Barry ran as fast as he could to get to the man but the ice got to him first.

"No!" Barry exclaimed then leaned down. With all the stregth she had left, Kara zoomed into the theatre but leaned against a chair.

"..No.." she said softly and Barry looked at her. "I couldn't save him," he mumbled.


Being an alien, Kara was already healed by the time they got there but Barry was not. Even though she wanted to know his identity, Kara had to leave so that Caitlin could help him. A couple minutes later, Barry was in his regular clothes and they looked at the mark he got from Snart's gun. But then Mon, Iris & Felicity all walked in, with shocked faces. "Hey! What's this about you running off, without backup!" Mon exclaimed.

"I did. Kara was there," Barry groaned.

"And yet, she still got hurt. You are lucky she is an alien," Iris said.

"How is it?" Felicity asked.

"It's still numb," he told them.

"It's presenting itself like third degree frostbite," Caitlin explaned.

"I thought I had hyper healing," Barry said.

"It's been slowed. If your cells weren't regenerating at the rate they are, your blood vessels would have frozen solid and the nerve damage would have been permanent. You're lucky to be alive," Caitlin told him, but then he got up and grabbed his jacket.

"Snart wasn't another meta-human. He has some kind of gun.It froze things, slowed me down- Enough that I wasn't in time to save someone," Barry said sadly as Felicity looked up Snart's information on her tablet.

"According to his record, Snart didn't even bother to finish high school, so how did he build a handheld high tech snow machine?" she asked as Mon & Iris looked concerned and curious.

"S.T.A.R.Labs built the cold gun," Wells said and they looked at him.

"What?" Iris asked.

"Dr. Wells and Caitlin had nothing to do with this. I built the gun," Cisco said and they all eyed him.

"You did? Why?" Mon asked.

"Because speed and cold are opposites. Temperature is measured by how quickly the atoms of something are oscillating. The faster they are, the hotter it is, and when then are cold, they're slower on the atomic level. When there's no movement at all, it's called-" Cisco started to explain.

"Absolute zero," Barry cut in.

"Yeah. I designed a compact cryo engine to achieve absolute zero. I built it to stop you," Cisco said and they looked taken back. "I didn't know who you were then, Barry. I mean, what if you turned out to be some psycho, like Mardon or Nimbus?" Cisco asked.

"But he didn't. Did he?" Iris snapped.

"We built the entire structure you're standing in to do good, and it blew up. In the wake of that, you can understand why Cisco would want to be prepared for the worst," Caitlin said, trying to help Barry understand.

"I can understand that, but what I can't understand is why you didn't tell me what you did. I mean, after all we've been through, I thought you trusted me- I thought we were friends," Barry said.

"We are, Barry," Cisco said.

"I mean, if you would have just told me, I could have been prepared. But instead, someone died tonight. Instead my girlfriend got hurt tonight," Barry said.

"And I have to live with that," Cisco said.

"No, Cisco. We all do," Iris said, before she walked out, with Barry & Mon following.

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